List of Famous people born in County Roscommon, Ireland

Maureen O'Sullivan

First Name Maureen
Died on June 23, 1998 (aged 28)

Maureen Paula O'Sullivan was an Irish-American actress. She was best known for playing Jane in the Tarzan series of films during the era of Johnny Weissmuller. In 2020, she was listed at number 8 on The Irish Times list of Ireland's greatest film actors. She was also the mother of actress Mia Farrow. When told Frank Sinatra wanted to marry Mia, she famously remarked "At his age, he should marry me."

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Chris O'Dowd

First Name Chris
Last Name O'Dowd
Born on October 9, 1979 (age 45)
Height 192 cm | 6'4

Christopher O'Dowd is an Irish actor and comedian. He has appeared in a range of television shows, films, and plays, mostly in the United Kingdom and United States.

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George Arthur French

First Name George
Last Name French
Born on June 19, 1841
Died on July 7, 1921 (aged 80)

Major General Sir George Arthur French, was a British Army officer who served as the first Commissioner of the North-West Mounted Police, from October 1873 to July 1876, and as Commandant of the colonial military forces in Queensland (1883–91) and New South Wales (1896–1902)

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Douglas Hyde

Douglas Ross Hyde
First Name Douglas
Last Name Hyde
Born on January 17, 1860
Died on July 12, 1949 (aged 89)

Douglas Ross Hyde, known as An Craoibhín Aoibhinn, was an Irish academic, linguist, scholar of the Irish language, politician and diplomat who served as the first President of Ireland from June 1938 to June 1945. He was a leading figure in the Gaelic revival, and the first President of the Gaelic League, one of the most influential cultural organisations in Ireland at the time.

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Charles Owen O'Conor

First Name Charles
Last Name O'Conor
Born on May 7, 1838
Died on June 30, 1906 (aged 68)

Charles Owen O'Conor, O'Conor Don PC, was an Irish politician

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Liam Naughten

William Anthony Naughten
First Name Liam
Last Name Naughten
Born on May 30, 1944
Died on November 16, 1996 (aged 52)

Liam Anthony Naughten was an Irish Fine Gael politician who served as Cathaoirleach of Seanad Éireann from 1995 to 1996. He was a Senator for the Agricultural Panel from 1977 to 1982 and 1989 to 1996. He served as a Teachta Dála (TD) for the Roscommon constituency from 1982 to 1989.

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Arthur Rowan Fairfield

First Name Arthur
Last Name Fairfield
Born on November 30, 1838
Died on November 30, 1914 (aged 76)
Born in Ireland, Connacht
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Albert Reynolds

First Name Albert
Last Name Reynolds
Born on November 3, 1932
Died on August 21, 2014 (aged 81)

Albert Reynolds was an Irish Fianna Fáil politician who served as Taoiseach from 1992 to 1994, Leader of Fianna Fáil from 1992 to 1994, Minister for Finance from 1988 to 1991, Minister for Industry and Commerce from 1987 to 1988, Minister for Industry and Energy from March 1982 to December 1982, Minister for Transport from 1980 to 1981 and Minister for Posts and Telegraphs from 1979 to 1981. He served as a Teachta Dála (TD) from 1977 to 2002.

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Patrick Francis Sheehan

First Name Patrick
Last Name Sheehan
Born on May 28, 1932
Died on November 8, 2012 (aged 80)

Patrick Francis Sheehan was the Roman Catholic bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Kano, Nigeria.

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Oliver Goldsmith

First Name Oliver
Last Name Goldsmith
Died on April 4, 1774

Oliver Goldsmith was an Anglo-Irish novelist, playwright and poet, who is best known for his novel The Vicar of Wakefield (1766), his pastoral poem The Deserted Village (1770), and his plays The Good-Natur'd Man (1768) and She Stoops to Conquer. He is thought to have written the classic children's tale The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes (1765).

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