List of Famous people named Gianluigi

Here are some famous Gianluigis:

Gianluigi Buffon

First Name Gianluigi
Born on January 28, 1978 (age 46)
Born in Italy, Tuscany
Height 192 cm | 6'4

Gianluigi "Gigi" Buffon is an Italian professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Serie A club Juventus. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time, and by some as the greatest ever. Buffon holds the record for the longest streak without conceding a goal in Serie A history of over 12 league matches; he went unbeaten for 974 consecutive minutes during the 2015–16 season, achieving the most consecutive clean sheets (10) during that run. Buffon also holds the record for the most clean sheets and most appearances in Serie A, and with the Italy national team. He is one of the few recorded players to have made over 1,000 professional career appearances.

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Gianluigi Donnarumma

First Name Gianluigi
Born on February 25, 1999 (age 25)
Born in Italy, Campania
Height 196 cm | 6'5

Gianluigi Donnarumma is an Italian professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Serie A club Milan and the Italy national team.

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Gianluigi Aponte

First Name Gianluigi
Born on June 27, 1940 (age 84)
Born in Italy, Campania

Gianluigi Aponte is an Italian billionaire businessman, and the founder, owner and chairman of Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), the second-largest container shipping line in the world after Maersk.

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Gianluigi Gelmetti

First Name Gianluigi
Born on September 11, 1945 (age 79)
Born in Italy, Lazio

Gianluigi Gelmetti OMRI, is an Italian-born, naturalized Monaco citizen conductor and composer.

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Gianluigi Braschi

First Name Gianluigi
Born on July 2, 1963
Died on October 23, 2008 (aged 45)

Gianluigi Braschi was an Italian film producer.

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Gianluigi Bonelli

First Name Gianluigi
Born on December 22, 1908
Died on January 12, 2001 (aged 92)
Born in Italy, Lombardy

Giovanni Luigi Bonelli was an Italian comic book author and publisher, best remembered as the co-creator of Tex Willer in 1948, together with artist Aurelio Galleppini.

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Gianluigi Farioli

First Name Gianluigi
Born on May 23, 1956 (age 68)
Born in Italy, Lombardy
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Gianluigi Stanga

First Name Gianluigi
Born on November 28, 1949 (age 74)
Born in Italy, Lombardy
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Gianluigi Chirizzi

First Name Gianluigi
Born on November 30, 1943 (age 80)
Born in Italy
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Gianluigi Paragone

First Name Gianluigi
Born on August 7, 1971 (age 53)
Born in Italy, Lombardy

Gianluigi Paragone is an Italian politician and journalist.

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