List of Famous people named Youssouf

Here are some famous Youssoufs:

Youssouf Fofana

First Name Youssouf
Born on January 10, 1999 (age 25)

Youssouf Fofana is a French professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Ligue 1 club Monaco and the France national team.

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Youssouf Mulumbu

First Name Youssouf
Born on January 25, 1987 (age 37)
Height 177 cm | 5'10

Youssouf Mulumbu is a Congolese professional footballer who currently plays as a midfielder for Kilmarnock.

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Youssouf Koné

First Name Youssouf
Born on July 5, 1995 (age 29)
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Youssouf Koné is a Malian professional footballer who played as a left-back for Turkish club Hatayspor, on loan from French club Lyon, and the Mali national team.

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Youssouf Sabaly

First Name Youssouf
Born on March 5, 1993 (age 31)
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Youssouf Sabaly is a professional footballer who plays for French club Bordeaux and the Senegal national football team. He plays as a right-back, but is versatile and can also play at left-back.

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Youssouf Hadji

First Name Youssouf
Born on February 25, 1980 (age 44)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Youssouf Hadji is a Moroccan former professional footballer who played as an attacking midfielder. He notably had three spells for French side AS Nancy, also serving as the team captain, making 378 appearances and scoring 95 goals for the club. At international level, he represented the Morocco national team earning 64 caps and scoring 16 goals. He also holds a French passport.

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Youssouf Niakaté

First Name Youssouf
Born on December 16, 1992 (age 31)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Youssoufou Niakaté is a French footballer who plays as a forward for Saudi Arabian club Al-Ettifaq.

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