List of Famous people named Theodor

Similar names: Theodore, Theodora, Teodor, Teodoro, Teodora, Theodoor. Here are some famous Theodors:

Theodor Wonja Michael

First Name Theodor
Born on January 15, 1925
Died on October 19, 2019 (aged 94)
Born in Germany

Theodor Wonja Michael was a mixed-race German journalist and actor as well as a prominent speaker on living as a prisoner in Nazi forced labor camps during World War II.

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Theodor Kaluza

Theodor Franz Eduard Kaluza
First Name Theodor
Born on November 9, 1885
Died on January 19, 1954 (aged 68)

Theodor Franz Eduard Kaluza was a German mathematician and physicist known for the Kaluza–Klein theory, involving field equations in five-dimensional space-time. His idea that fundamental forces can be unified by introducing additional dimensions re-emerged much later in string theory.

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Theodor Morell

First Name Theodor
Born on July 22, 1886
Died on May 26, 1948 (aged 61)

Theodor Gilbert Morell was a German doctor known for acting as Adolf Hitler's personal physician. Morell was well known in Germany for his unconventional treatments. He assisted Hitler daily in virtually everything he did for several years and was beside Hitler until the last stages of the Battle of Berlin. Morell was granted high awards by Hitler, and became a multi-millionaire from business deals with the Nazi government made possible by his status.

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Theodor Detmers

First Name Theodor
Born on August 22, 1902
Died on November 4, 1976 (aged 74)

Theodor Detmers was the commanding officer of the German auxiliary cruiser Kormoran. He was a recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross of Nazi Germany.

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Theodor Fontane

First Name Theodor
Born on December 30, 1819
Died on September 20, 1898 (aged 78)
Born in Germany, Brandenburg

Theodor Fontane was a German novelist and poet, regarded by many as the most important 19th-century German-language realist author. He published the first of his novels, for which he is best known today, only at age 58 after a career as a journalist.

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Theodor W. Adorno

First Name Theodor
Born on September 11, 1903
Died on August 6, 1969 (aged 65)
Born in Germany, Hesse

Theodor W. Adorno was a German philosopher, sociologist, psychologist, musicologist, and composer known for his critical theory of society.

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Theodor Kittelsen

First Name Theodor
Born on April 27, 1857
Died on January 21, 1914 (aged 56)

Theodor Severin Kittelsen was a Norwegian artist. He is one of the most popular artists in Norway. Kittelsen became famous for his nature paintings, as well as for his illustrations of fairy tales and legends, especially of trolls.

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Theodor Kery

First Name Theodor
Born on July 24, 1918
Died on May 9, 2010 (aged 91)
Born in Austria, Burgenland

Theodor Kery was an Austrian politician, who was the Governor of Burgenland (1966–1987).

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Theodor Gebre Selassie

Theodor Gebre Selassie is a Czech professional footballer who plays for German club Werder Bremen, either as a full-back or as wing-back. He earned 54 caps and scored three goals with the Czech national team.

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Theodor Körner

First Name Theodor
Born on September 23, 1791
Died on August 26, 1813 (aged 21)
Born in Germany, Saxony

Carl Theodor Körner was a German poet and soldier. After some time in Vienna, where he wrote some light comedies and other works for the Burgtheater, he became a soldier and joined the Lützow Free Corps in the German uprising against Napoleon. During these times, he displayed personal courage in many fights, and encouraged his comrades by fiery patriotic lyrics he composed, among these being the "Schwertlied", composed during a lull in fighting only a few hours before his death, and "Lützows wilde Jagd", each set to music by both Carl Maria von Weber and Franz Schubert. He was often called the "German Tyrtaeus."

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