List of Famous people named Svein

Similar names: Sven, Sveinn, Svenn. Here are some famous Sveins:

Svein Ludvigsen

Svein Harald Ludvigsen
First Name Svein
Born on July 18, 1946 (age 78)
Born in Norway, Troms

Svein Harald Ludvigsen is a Norwegian former politician for the Conservative Party and a convicted sex offender. He served as a member of parliament (1989–2001), deputy leader of the Conservative Party (1990–1991), minister of fisheries (2001–2005), and county governor of Troms (2006–2014). In 2019 he was convicted of sexually abusing three young men, and sentenced to five years imprisonment; his conviction and sentence became final in January 2020.

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Svein Oddvar Moen

First Name Svein
Born on January 22, 1979 (age 45)
Born in Norway, Rogaland

Svein Oddvar Moen is a Norwegian football referee. He took up refereeing in 1995, and made his debut in the Eliteserien in 2003. He represents SK Haugar.

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Svein Berge

First Name Svein
Born on February 17, 1976 (age 48)

Svein Berge is a Norwegian electronic musician who makes up half of the duo Röyksopp.

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Svein Tuft

First Name Svein
Born on May 9, 1977 (age 47)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Svein Tuft is a Canadian former road bicycle racer, who rode professionally between 2005 and 2019 for the Symmetrics, Garmin–Transitions, SpiderTech–C10, Mitchelton–Scott and Rally UHC Cycling teams. Tuft was the winner of the 2006–07 UCI America Tour, and was a thirteen-time champion at the Canadian road cycling championships: twice in the road race, and eleven times in the time trial.

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Svein Erik Vold

First Name Svein
Born on October 31, 1985 (age 38)
Born in Norway, Trøndelag
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Svein Munkejord

First Name Svein
Born on September 26, 1948 (age 75)
Born in Norway, Rogaland

Svein Magnus Munkejord is a Norwegian politician for the Conservative Party. He was personal secretary to the Minister of Fisheries 1981–1983, state secretary to the Minister of Fisheries 1984–1985, and Minister of Fisheries 1989–1990.

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Svein Støle

First Name Svein
Born on November 5, 1963 (age 60)
Born in Norway, Vest-Agder

Svein Støle is a Norwegian businessperson and broker. After growing up in Mandal, he was educated in law and business administration. He worked for a period as a journalist for Kapital before in 1992 buying a large portion of Pareto Group, where he holds an 80.1% ownership. His fortune in 2009 was estimated at NOK 5.5 billion. In 2018 his fortune is believed to have grown to NOK 10 billion, and Støle is relocating to Switzerland.

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Svein Goli

First Name Svein
Born on November 30, 1931 (age 92)
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Svein Ole Sæther

First Name Svein
Born on July 26, 1948 (age 76)

Svein Ole Sæther is a Norwegian diplomat.

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