List of Famous people named Sherman

Here are some famous Shermans:

Sherman Smith

Sherman Smith is a former professional American football running back who played eight seasons for the Seattle Seahawks and San Diego Chargers between 1976 and 1983. He was also the running backs coach for the Seattle Seahawks, as well as the former offensive coordinator for the Washington Redskins. After his playing days were over, he embarked upon a second career as a football coach, starting in high school, then college, and finally back in the National Football League with the Houston Oilers / Tennessee Titans, the Washington Redskins, and the Seattle Seahawks.

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Sherman Cárdenas Estupiñan

First Name Sherman
Last Name Estupiñan
Born on August 7, 1989 (age 35)
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Sherman Andrés Cárdenas Estupiñán is a Colombian footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for Independiente Santa Fe.

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Sherman Guity

First Name Sherman
Last Name Guity
Born on December 3, 1996 (age 28)

Sherman Guity is a Costa Rican Paralympic athlete. He won the silver medal in the men's 100 metres T64 event at the 2020 Summer Paralympics held in Tokyo, Japan. This was the first medal won by a competitor representing Costa Rica at the Paralympics. He also won the gold medal in the men's 200 metres T64 event.

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Sherman Chung

First Name Sherman
Last Name Chung
Born on June 20, 1984 (age 40)

Sherman Chung Shu-man, is a Hong Kong cantopop singer. She started her career after winning the 2005 EEG Singing Contest. During 2006, she underwent a series of intensive training and released her first single "The Throes of Master" (高手過招) in 2007.

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Sherman Alexie

First Name Sherman
Last Name Alexie
Born on October 7, 1966 (age 58)

Sherman Joseph Alexie Jr. is a Spokane-Coeur d'Alene-Native American novelist, short story writer, poet, and filmmaker. His writings draw on his experiences as an Indigenous American with ancestry from several tribes. He grew up on the Spokane Indian Reservation and now lives in Seattle, Washington.

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Sherman Howard

First Name Sherman
Last Name Howard
Born on June 11, 1949 (age 75)

Sherman Howard is an American actor and voice actor, best known for his performance as the zombie Bub in George A. Romero's Day of the Dead (1985) and Lex Luthor on Superboy (1990-92). He also voiced Derek Powers in Batman Beyond (1999-2001).

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Sherman Augustus

First Name Sherman
Last Name Augustus
Born on January 10, 1959 (age 66)

Sherman Augustus is an American actor. Augustus played professional football with the San Diego Chargers and Minnesota Vikings. He played college football at Northwestern College in Saint Paul, Minnesota with Jimmy Bridges.

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