List of Famous people named Regina

Name Regina is among the most common names in Brazil, Germany, Russia, Austria. Similar names: Regine, Rigina. Here are some famous Reginas:

Regina King

First Name Regina
Last Name King
Born on January 15, 1971 (age 53)
Height 160 cm | 5'3

Regina Rene King is an American actress and director. She is the recipient of several awards, including an Academy Award, a Golden Globe Award, and four acting Primetime Emmy Awards, the most for an African-American performer. Time magazine named her one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2019.

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Regina Todorenko

First Name Regina
Last Name Todorenko
Born on June 14, 1990 (age 34)
Height 167 cm | 5'6

Regina Petrivna Todorenko, is a Ukrainian pop-singer and television presenter.

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Regina Hall

First Name Regina
Last Name Hall
Born on December 12, 1970 (age 53)
Height 163 cm | 5'4

Regina Lee Hall is an American actress. She has appeared in various television series, including Ally McBeal (2001–2002), Law & Order: LA (2010–2011), and Black Monday (2019–present). Her film roles include starring in the Scary Movie film series (2000–2006), The Best Man (1999) and its 2013 sequel, Think Like a Man (2012) and its 2014 sequel, About Last Night (2014), Vacation (2015), Girls Trip (2017), The Hate U Give (2018), and Little (2019).

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Regina Dubovitskaya

Регина Игоревна Дубовицкая
First Name Regina
Last Name Dubovitskaya
Born on December 30, 1943 (age 80)

Regina Igorevna Dubovitskaya is a Soviet and Russian TV presenter.

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Regina Louise

First Name Regina
Last Name Louise
Born on May 2, 1963 (age 61)

Regina Louise Kerr-Taylor is an American author, child advocate, and motivational speaker, who is best known for successfully navigating through more than thirty foster home placements as a ward of the California Juvenile Court system. Louise is the second child of the late singer/songwriter Tom Brock. Brock abandoned his daughter into the foster care system during the late-1970s to pursue musical interests.

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Regina Duarte

Regina Blois Duarte
First Name Regina
Last Name Duarte
Born on February 5, 1947 (age 77)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo

Regina Blois Duarte is a Brazilian actress who briefly served as Special Secretary of Culture, a cabinet position in President Jair Bolsonaro's federal administration, from March to May 2020.

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Regina Cassandra

First Name Regina
Last Name Cassandra
Born on December 13, 1990 (age 33)
Born in India

Regina Cassandra is an Indian film actress, active primarily in Tamil and Telugu films. When aged nine, she appeared on Splash, a kids' channel, and later worked in commercials. She also acted in several short films.

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Regina Weber

First Name Regina
Last Name Weber
Born on April 12, 1963 (age 61)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Regina Weber is a German former individual rhythmic gymnast. She is the 1984 Olympic All-around bronze medalist.

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Regina Peruggi

First Name Regina
Last Name Peruggi
Born on November 30, 1946 (age 77)

Regina S. Peruggi is an American educator, who was the President of Kingsborough Community College from 2005 to 2014, the first woman to hold that position in the college's 40-year history. Prior to that, she was president of Marymount Manhattan College and led the Central Park Conservancy. She was married to her cousin Rudy Giuliani.

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Regina Orozco

First Name Regina
Last Name Orozco
Born on November 30, 1963 (age 60)
Born in Mexico

Regina Orozco is a Mexican actress and singer, best known for her roles in Mexican films. Orozco won an Ariel Award for Best Actress for her performance in the film Profundo Carmesí (1996). Subsequently, she was nominated at the Venice International Film Festival for Best Actress for her performance in Profundo Carmesí. In March 2013, she won the Medal of Merit in Artistic Interpretation, awarded by the Legislative Assembly of the Federal District by the VI Legislature.

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