List of Famous people named Regina

Name Regina is among the most common names in Brazil, Germany, Russia, Austria. Similar names: Regine, Rigina. Here are some famous Reginas:

Regina Blandón

First Name Regina
Last Name Blandón
Born on July 25, 1990 (age 34)
Born in Mexico

Regina Blandón is a Mexican actress. She is known for her role as Bibi P. Luche in the sitcom, La familia P. Luche. Blandón is the daughter of actor Roberto Blandón.

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Regina Casé

First Name Regina
Last Name Casé
Born on February 25, 1954 (age 70)

Regina Maria Loureiro Barreto Casé is a Brazilian actress, screenwriter, director, producer, and television presenter.

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Regina George

First Name Regina
Last Name George
Born on February 17, 1991 (age 33)

Regina George is an American-born Nigerian sprinter who specializes in the 400 metres. She represented Nigeria at the 2012 Summer Olympics and was the silver medallist at the African Championships in 2012.

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Regina Spektor

First Name Regina
Last Name Spektor
Born on February 18, 1980 (age 44)
Born in Russia

Regina Ilyinichna Spektor is a Russian-born American singer, songwriter, and pianist.

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Regina Braga

First Name Regina
Last Name Braga
Born in Brazil, Minas Gerais

Regina Lúcia Palhano Braga Varella is a Brazilian actress.

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Regina Rajchrtová

Regina Rajchrtová, married Kordová is a former tennis player from Czechoslovakia who competed for her native country at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul. On 1 April 1991 she reached a career world ranking high of 26.

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Regina Halmich

First Name Regina
Last Name Halmich
Born on November 22, 1976 (age 47)

Regina Halmich is a German boxer. She is among the most successful female boxers of all time and helped popularise female boxing in Europe.

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Regina Ip

First Name Regina
Last Name Ip
Born on August 24, 1950 (age 74)

Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee is a Chinese politician. She is currently a member of the Executive Council (ExCo) and Legislative Council of Hong Kong (LegCo), as well as the founder and current chairperson of the New People's Party. She was formerly a prominent government official of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and was the first woman to be appointed the Secretary for Security to head the disciplinary service. She is also the founder and Chairwoman of Savantas Policy Institute, a think-tank in Hong Kong.

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Regina Belle

First Name Regina
Last Name Belle
Born on July 17, 1963 (age 61)

Regina Elaine Belle is an American singer–songwriter and actress who started her career in the mid-1980s. Known for her singles "Baby Come to Me" (1989) and "Make It Like It Was" (1990), Belle's most notable for two hit duets, both with Peabo Bryson: "Without You", the love theme from the comedy film Leonard Part 6, recorded in 1987 and "A Whole New World", the main theme of the Disney's animated feature film Aladdin, recorded in 1992, with which Belle and Bryson won the Grammy award. The theme song "Far Longer than Forever" from the animated movie The Swan Princess, performed with Jeffrey Osborne, was nominated for a Golden Globe in 1995 for Best Original Song.

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Regina Jonas

First Name Regina
Last Name Jonas
Born on August 3, 1902
Died on October 12, 1944 (aged 42)
Born in Germany

Regina Jonas was a Berlin-born rabbi. In 1935, she became the first woman to be ordained as a rabbi. There had been some women before Jonas who made significant contributions to Jewish thought, such as the Maiden of Ludmir, Asenath Barzani, and Lily Montagu, who acted in similar roles without being ordained.

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