List of Famous people named Pretty

Similar names: Preeti, Priti, Preet, Preetha. Here are some famous Prettys:

Pretty Boy Floyd

First Name Pretty
Last Name Floyd
Born on February 3, 1904
Died on October 22, 1934 (aged 30)

Charles Arthur Floyd, nicknamed Pretty Boy Floyd, was an American bank robber. He operated in the West and Central states, and his criminal exploits gained widespread press coverage in the 1930s. He was seen positively by the public because during robberies he burned mortgage documents, freeing many people from their debts. He was pursued and killed by a group of Bureau of Investigation (BOI) agents led by Melvin Purvis. Historians have speculated as to which officers were at the event, but accounts document that local officers Robert "Pete" Pyle and George Curran were present at his fatal shooting and also at his embalming. Floyd has continued to be a familiar figure in American popular culture, sometimes seen as notorious, other times portrayed as a tragic figure, even a victim of the hard times of the Great Depression in the United States.

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Pretty Yende

First Name Pretty
Last Name Yende
Born on March 6, 1985 (age 39)

Pretty Yende, OIS is a South African operatic soprano. She has performed leading roles at opera houses internationally, including La Scala and the Metropolitan Opera.

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Pretty Ota

First Name Pretty
Last Name Ota
Born on March 10, 1978 (age 46)
Born in Japan
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Pretty Nagashima

First Name Pretty
Last Name Nagashima
Born on October 2, 1954 (age 70)
Height 164 cm | 5'5
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