List of Famous people named Mere

Mere Mete Whaanga

First Name Mere
Last Name Whaanga
Born on February 15, 1848
Died on May 11, 1944 (aged 96)

Mere Mete Whaanga was a pioneer and missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in New Zealand. She was a leader of the Maori Ngati Kahungunu tribe and helped to spread the gospel in her area after being baptized by American missionaries.

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Mère Saint-Louis

First Name Mère
Last Name Saint-Louis
Born on October 3, 1763
Died on March 4, 1825 (aged 61)

Marie-Louise-Élisabeth de Lamoignon de Molé de Champlâtreux - in religion Saint-Louis - was a French Roman Catholic professed religious and the founder of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Louis (1803). Lamoignon dedicated herself to the education of both the poor and abandoned girls of her region though her love for the poor was noted during her marriage; this was something her politician husband also supported before he was executed during the French Revolution. That period bought great turmoil upon her coupled with the loss of two of her five children.

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Mère Denis

Jeanne Marie Le Calvé
First Name Mère
Last Name Denis
Born on November 9, 1893
Died on January 17, 1989 (aged 95)
Born in France, Brittany
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Mere Hüseyin Pasha

First Name Mere
Last Name Pasha
Born on November 30, 1500
Died on July 1, 1624 (aged 123)

Mere Hüseyin Pasha was an Ottoman statesman of Albanian origin. He was two times Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire in 1622 and 1623, and previously the Ottoman governor of Egypt between 1620 and 1622. His epithet "Mere!" comes from the word for "Take it!" in Albanian; he was nicknamed so because of the many times he ordered his men to "take [the heads]" of his opponents, i.e. execute them. He was purportedly the only grand vizier who did not speak Ottoman Turkish or Osmanlica.

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Mere Smith

First Name Mere
Last Name Smith

Meredyth (Mere) Smith is an American television script-writer who wrote a number of episodes of the series Angel. She was also the executive story editor and script coordinator for 66 episodes from 1999 to 2003.

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