List of Famous people named Martina

Name Martina is among the most common names in Germany, Mexico, Spain, Austria, Switzerland. Similar names: Martin, Martine, Maarten, Marten, Martino, Martyn, Maartin, Martyna. Here are some famous Martinas:

Martina Hill

First Name Martina
Last Name Hill
Born on July 14, 1974 (age 50)
Born in Germany

Martina Hill is a German actress and comedian. She has been awarded the German Comedy Award, the German TV Award, as well as the Adolf-Grimme-Preis and the Bambi Award.

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Martina Hingis

Martina Hingis is a Swiss former professional tennis player. She spent a total of 209 weeks as the singles world No. 1 and 90 weeks as doubles world No. 1, holding both No. 1 rankings simultaneously for 29 weeks. She won five Grand Slam singles titles, thirteen Grand Slam women's doubles titles, winning a calendar-year doubles Grand Slam in 1998, and seven Grand Slam mixed doubles titles; for a combined total of twenty-five major titles. In addition, she won the season-ending WTA Finals two times in singles and three times in doubles, an Olympic silver medal, and a record seventeen Tier I singles titles.

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Martina Stoessel
Born on March 21, 1997 (age 27)
Born in Argentina

Martina Stoessel Muzlera, known professionally as Tini, is an Argentine singer, songwriter, actress, dancer and model. She began her career by appearing on the Argentine children's television series Patito Feo (2007–2008). She rose to prominence for her lead role as Violetta Castillo in the Disney Channel Latin America original telenovela, Violetta (2012–2015), and afterwards portrayed the same character in the series' sequel film Tini: The Movie (2016).

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Martina Navratilova

Martina Šubertová
First Name Martina
Last Name Navratilova
Born on October 18, 1956 (age 67)
Born in Czech Republic
Height 171 cm | 5'7

Martina Navratilova is a Czechoslovak-born American former professional tennis player and coach. In 2005, Tennis magazine selected her as the greatest female tennis player for the years 1975 through 2005 and she is considered one of the best female tennis players of all time.

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Martina Gedeck

First Name Martina
Last Name Gedeck
Born on September 14, 1961 (age 62)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Martina Gedeck is a German actress. She came to broader, international attention due to her roles in films such as Mostly Martha (2001), The Lives of Others (2006), and The Baader Meinhof Complex (2008). She has won numerous awards, including the Deutscher Filmpreis in 1997 for Supporting Actress in Life is All You Get, and in 2002 for Actress in Mostly Martha.

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Martina Voss-Tecklenburg

Martina Voss
First Name Martina
Last Name Voss-Tecklenburg
Born on December 22, 1967 (age 56)
Height 167 cm | 5'6

Martina Voss-Tecklenburg is a retired German football midfielder, currently coaching the German national team. She previously coached FCR 2001 Duisburg and FF USV Jena.

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Martina Ebm

First Name Martina
Last Name Ebm
Born on February 24, 1982 (age 42)
Born in Austria

Martina Ebm (born 24 February 1982 in Vienna) is an Austrian actress.

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Martina McBride

Martina Mariea Schiff
First Name Martina
Last Name McBride
Born on July 29, 1966 (age 57)
Height 159 cm | 5'3

Martina Mariea McBride is an American country music singer-songwriter and record producer. She is known for her soprano singing range and her country pop material.

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Martina Trevisan

First Name Martina
Last Name Trevisan
Born on November 3, 1993 (age 30)
Born in Italy, Tuscany
Height 166 cm | 5'5

Martina Trevisan is an Italian tennis player. She is the younger sister of Matteo Trevisan who is a professional tennis player on the ATP World Tour.

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Martina Merz

First Name Martina
Last Name Merz
Born on November 30, 1962 (age 61)

Martina Merz, is a German engineer who in 2019 became the Chief executive officer (CEO) of ThyssenKrupp, and has been called "the most powerful woman in the German economy".

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