List of Famous people named Kiyoshi

Here are some famous Kiyoshis:

Kiyoshi Hikawa

山田 清志
First Name Kiyoshi
Last Name Hikawa
Born on September 6, 1977 (age 47)

Kiyoshi Yamada, whose stage name is Kiyoshi Hikawa , is a Japanese enka singer. Hikawa makes frequent appearances on NHK Kayō Concert (NHK歌謡コンサート), as well as NHK's annual Kōhaku Uta Gassen.

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Kiyoshi Kobayashi

First Name Kiyoshi
Last Name Kobayashi
Born on January 11, 1933
Died on July 30, 2022 (aged 89)
Born in Japan, Tokyo

Kiyoshi Kobayashi is a Japanese actor, voice actor and narrator from Tokyo. He is attached to the Tokyo Actor's Consumer's Cooperative Society. He is a graduate of the Tokyo Metropolitan Koishikawa High School and the arts department of Nihon University.

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Kiyoshi Takayama

First Name Kiyoshi
Last Name Takayama
Born on September 5, 1947 (age 77)

Kiyoshi Takayama is a yakuza best known as the second-in-command (wakagashira) of the 6th-generation Yamaguchi-gumi, the largest known yakuza syndicate in Japan, and the president of its ruling affiliate, Kodo-kai, based in Nagoya. Takayama is a prominent yakuza, who has even been dubbed the "nation's number-two gangster", and is informally dubbed the "Katame of Nagoya" or simply the "Katame" meaning "one eye", after his closed right eye, which is possibly the result of a lethal fight in his early yakuza career – reportedly a sword fighting injury.

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Kiyoshi Maekawa

First Name Kiyoshi
Last Name Maekawa
Born on August 19, 1948 (age 76)
Height 177 cm | 5'10

Kiyoshi Maekawa is a Japanese singer and tarento.

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Kiyoshi Kurosawa

First Name Kiyoshi
Last Name Kurosawa
Born on July 19, 1955 (age 69)

Kiyoshi Kurosawa is a Japanese film director, screenwriter, film critic and a professor at Tokyo University of the Arts. Although he has worked in a variety of genres, Kurosawa is best known for his many contributions to the Japanese horror genre.

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Kiyoshi Nishikawa

First Name Kiyoshi
Last Name Nishikawa
Born on July 2, 1946 (age 78)
Height 166 cm | 5'5

Kiyoshi Nishikawa is a Japanese comedian and actor and former politician.

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Kiyoshi Shigematsu

First Name Kiyoshi
Last Name Shigematsu
Born on March 6, 1963 (age 61)

Kiyoshi Shigematsu is a contemporary Japanese writer. He is one of the best-selling authors in Japan, and the major theme of his novels is about family. His most notable works include Naifu (ナイフ) (1997), Eiji (エイジ) (1999) and Bitamin F (ビタミンF) (2000).

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Kiyoshi Ueda

First Name Kiyoshi
Last Name Ueda
Born on May 15, 1948 (age 76)

Kiyoshi Ueda is a Japanese politician currently serving as a member of the House of Councillors for the Saitama at-large district after winning a by-election in 2019. He previously served as governor of Saitama Prefecture from 2003 to 2019, when he subsequently retired.

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Kiyoshi Nakahata

First Name Kiyoshi
Last Name Nakahata
Born on January 6, 1954 (age 71)

Kiyoshi Nakahata is a Japanese former Nippon Professional Baseball player. He played for the Yomiuri Giants (1976–1989).

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Kiyoshi Kimura

First Name Kiyoshi
Last Name Kimura
Born on April 19, 1952 (age 72)

Kiyoshi Kimura is known as the "Tuna King" of Japan. Kimura is the head of Kiyomura Corporation which runs the Sushi Zanmai chain of restaurants. In January 2019, Kimura paid a record 333.6 million yen for a 278 kg (613 lb) blue fin tuna and has been the highest bidder at the Japanese new year tuna auction in eight out of the past nine years. The fish normally sells for $88/kilogram.

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