List of Famous people named Kimi

Similar names: Kim, Kym, Quim, Kem, Kimmy, Kemi, Kimia, Kimmie, Kimio, Keemo. Here are some famous Kimis:

Kimi Räikkönen

Kimi-Matias Räikkönen
First Name Kimi
Last Name Räikkönen
Born on October 17, 1979 (age 44)
Born in Finland, Uusimaa
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Kimi-Matias Räikkönen, nicknamed "The Iceman", is a Finnish racing driver currently driving in Formula One for Alfa Romeo Racing, racing under the Finnish flag. Räikkönen won the 2007 Formula One World Championship driving for Scuderia Ferrari. In addition to this title, he also finished second overall in 2003 and 2005, and third in 2008, 2012 and 2018. With 103 podium finishes, he is one of only five drivers to have taken over 100 podiums. Räikkönen has won 21 Grands Prix, making him the most successful Finnish driver in terms of Formula One race wins, and is the only driver to win in the V10, V8 and the V6 turbo hybrid engine eras. After nine seasons racing in Formula One he left the sport to compete in the World Rally Championship in 2010 and 2011, returning to Formula One from 2012 onward. He is known for his reserved personality and reluctance to participate in PR events. At the 2020 Eifel Grand Prix, he broke the record for most starts in Formula One.

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Kimi Hsia

First Name Kimi
Last Name Hsia
Born on August 24, 1984 (age 39)
Born in Taiwan

Kimi Hsia Yu-chiao is a Taiwanese actress and television host. She is best known for hosting the SET Metro variety shows Delicious Food All Over the World and Stylish Man – The Chef.

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Kimi Li

First Name Kimi
Last Name Li
Born on November 21, 1985 (age 38)

Li Jinming, also known as Kimi Li, is a Chinese actress and hostess.

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Kimi Hime

First Name Kimi
Last Name Hime
Born on January 4, 1993 (age 31)
Born in Indonesia
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Kimi Onoda

First Name Kimi
Last Name Onoda
Born on December 7, 1982 (age 41)

Kimi Onoda is a Japanese politician. She serves as Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Defense since 2022 and as a member of the House of Councillors representing the Liberal Democratic Party. She previously served as Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Justice under the Suga Cabinet (2020-2021).

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