List of Famous people named Kimmie

Similar names: Kim, Kym, Quim, Kem, Kimmy, Kemi, Kimi, Kimia, Kimio, Keemo. Here are some famous Kimmies:

Kimmie Meissner

First Name Kimmie
Born on October 4, 1989 (age 34)
Height 162 cm | 5'4

Kimberly Claire "Kimmie" Meissner is an American former competitive figure skater. She is the 2006 World champion, the 2007 Four Continents champion, and the 2007 U.S. national champion. She is the first American and the first woman to simultaneously hold the World, Four Continents, and national titles. In 2005, Meissner became the second American woman to land the triple Axel jump in national competition. She was the youngest American athlete to compete at the 2006 Olympics, coming in sixth place. She won the World Championships the following month, and the U.S. Nationals the following season. She was inducted into the U.S. Figure Skating Hall of Fame in 2020.

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