List of Famous people named Julius

Similar names: Juliusz. Here are some famous Juliuses:

Julius Caesar

First Name Julius
Last Name Caesar
Died on March 15, -0044
Born in Italy, Lazio

Gaius Julius Caesar was a Roman general and statesman who played a critical role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire.

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Julius Jones

Julius Andre Maurice Jones is a former American football running back. He was drafted by the Dallas Cowboys in the second round of the 2004 NFL Draft. He also played for the Seattle Seahawks and the New Orleans Saints. He played college football at the University of Notre Dame.

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Julius Darius Jones

First Name Julius
Last Name Jones
Born on January 1, 1980 (age 44)

Julius Darius Jones is an American prisoner and former death row inmate from Oklahoma who was convicted of the July 1999 murder of Paul Howell. His case has received international attention due to claims of innocence and controversy surrounding his trial and conviction. Jones and his defense team maintain his innocence, arguing that he was at home when the murder occurred and that his co-defendant, Christopher Jordan, is the true perpetrator of the crime. Howell's family maintains that Jones is guilty. Jones was scheduled to be executed on November 18, 2021. However, four hours before his scheduled execution, Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt commuted his sentence to life imprisonment without parole.

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Julius Randle

First Name Julius
Last Name Randle
Born on November 29, 1994 (age 29)
Height 206 cm | 6'9

Julius Deion Randle is an American professional basketball player for the New York Knicks of the National Basketball Association (NBA). In his only season of college basketball with the Kentucky Wildcats, he was named a third-team All-American. He was drafted by the Los Angeles Lakers in the first round of the 2014 NBA draft with the seventh overall pick. In his regular-season debut, Randle broke his right leg and missed the remainder of his rookie season. After four years with the Lakers, he signed with the New Orleans Pelicans. He averaged a career-high 21.4 points per game in 2018–19, his only season with the Pelicans, before reaching a deal to join the Knicks.

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Julius Hoffman

First Name Julius
Last Name Hoffman
Born on July 7, 1895
Died on July 1, 1983 (aged 87)

Julius Jennings Hoffman was an American attorney and jurist who served as a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. He presided over the Chicago Seven trial.

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Julius Peppers

Julius Frazier Peppers is a former American football defensive end. He played college football at North Carolina, where he was recognized as a unanimous All-American, and was drafted by the Carolina Panthers second overall in the 2002 NFL Draft, and also played for the Chicago Bears from 2010 through 2013 and the Green Bay Packers from 2014 to 2016.

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Julius Lothar Meyer

First Name Julius
Last Name Meyer
Died on April 11, 1895

Julius Lothar Meyer was a German chemist. He was one of the pioneers in developing the earliest versions of the periodic table of the chemical elements. Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev and he had both worked with Robert Bunsen. Meyer never used his first given name, and was known throughout his life simply as Lothar Meyer.

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Julius Erving

Julius Winfield Erving II, commonly known by the nickname Dr. J, is an American retired basketball player. Regarded as one of the greatest and most influential basketball players of all time, Erving helped legitimize the American Basketball Association (ABA) and was the best-known player in that league when it merged into the National Basketball Association (NBA) after the 1975–76 season.

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Julius Streicher

First Name Julius
Last Name Streicher
Born on February 12, 1885
Died on October 16, 1946 (aged 61)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Julius Streicher was a member of the Nazi Party, the Gauleiter of Franconia and a member of the Reichstag, the national legislature. He was the founder and publisher of the virulently antisemitic newspaper Der Stürmer, which became a central element of the Nazi propaganda machine. The publishing firm was financially very successful and made Streicher a multi-millionaire.

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Julius Brink

First Name Julius
Last Name Brink
Born on July 6, 1982 (age 42)
Height 186 cm | 6'1

Julius Brink is a beach volleyball player from Germany, who won the gold medal in the men's beach team competition at the 2006 European Beach Volleyball Championships in The Hague, Netherlands, partnering Christoph Dieckmann. He took part at the Olympic Games in 2008.

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