List of Famous people named Jozef

Similar names: Joseph, Josef, Jozsef, Josif, Josepha, Josefa, Josyf. Here are some famous Jozefs:

Józef Piłsudski

Józef Klemens Piłsudski
First Name Józef
Born on December 5, 1867
Died on May 12, 1935 (aged 67)

Józef Klemens Piłsudski was a Polish statesman who served as the Chief of State (1918–1922) and First Marshal of Poland. He was considered the de facto leader (1926–35) of the Second Polish Republic as the Minister of Military Affairs. After World War I, he held great power in Polish politics and was a distinguished figure on the international scene. He is viewed as a father of the Second Polish Republic re-established in 1918, 123 years after the final Partition of Poland by Austria, Prussia and Russia in 1795.

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Jozef Dupré

First Name Jozef
Born on July 8, 1928
Died on December 2, 2021 (aged 93)

Jozef "Jos" Dupré was a Belgian politician. A member of the Christian Social Party, he served in the Chamber of Representatives from 1974 to 1996, while serving as President briefly in June 1995. He also sat on the Flemish Council from 1980 to 1995.

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Józef Unrug

Joseph Michael Hubert von Unruh
First Name Józef
Born on October 7, 1884
Died on February 28, 1973 (aged 88)
Born in Germany, Brandenburg

Józef Unrug was a Polish admiral who helped reestablish Poland's navy after World War I. During the opening stages of World War II, he served as the Polish Navy's commander-in-chief. As a German POW, he refused all German offers to change sides and was incarcerated in several Oflags, including Colditz Castle. He stayed in exile after the war in the United Kingdom, Morocco and France where he died and was buried. In September 2018 he was posthumously promoted in the rank of Admiral of the fleet by the President of Poland. After 45 years his remains, along with those of his wife Zofia, were exhumed from Montrésor and taken in October 2018 to his final resting place in Gdynia, Poland.

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Jozef Vengloš

First Name Jozef
Born on February 18, 1936
Died on January 26, 2021 (aged 84)

Dr. Jozef Vengloš was a Slovak professional football player and manager. He held a doctorate in Physical Education and also specialised in Psychology. He had been selected by FIFA on various occasions to lecture at the FIFA academies throughout the world.

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Jozef Tiso

First Name Jozef
Born on October 13, 1887
Died on April 18, 1947 (aged 59)

Jozef Gašpar Tiso was a Slovak politician and Roman Catholic priest who was president of the Slovak Republic, a client state of Nazi Germany during World War II, from 1939 to 1945. In 1947, after the war, he was executed for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Bratislava.

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Józef Walaszczyk

First Name Józef
Born on November 13, 1919 (age 105)

Józef Władysław Walaszczyk is a Polish retired leatherworker and businessman who was declared Righteous Among the Nations in 2002 for sheltering Jews during the Holocaust. He has been described as a "second Schindler" or "Polish Schindler".

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Józef Mackiewicz

First Name Józef
Born on April 1, 1902
Died on January 31, 1985 (aged 82)
Born in Russia

Józef Mackiewicz was a Polish writer, novelist and political commentator; best known for his documentary novels Nie trzeba głośno mówić, and Droga donikąd. He staunchly opposed communism, referring to himself as an "anticommunist by nationality". Mackiewicz died in exile. His older brother Stanisław Mackiewicz was also a writer.

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Józef Lipski

First Name Józef
Born on June 5, 1894
Died on November 1, 1958 (aged 64)

Józef Lipski was a Polish diplomat and Ambassador to Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1939. Lipski played a key role in the foreign policy of the Second Polish Republic.

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Jozef Gabčík

First Name Jozef
Died on June 18, 1942
Height 164 cm | 5'5

Jozef Gabčík was a Slovak soldier in the Czechoslovak Army involved in the Operation Anthropoid, the assassination of acting Reichsprotektor (Imperial-Protector) of Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, SS Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich.

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Józef Wesołowski

First Name Józef
Born on July 15, 1948
Died on August 28, 2015 (aged 67)

Józef Wesołowski was a Polish prelate of the Roman Catholic Church. He was an archbishop from 2000 until being laicized by the Holy See in 2014. He was the Apostolic Nuncio to the Dominican Republic from January 2008 until he was recalled in August 2013. Authorities in the Dominican Republic were investigating allegations of child abuse against him. In June 2015, the Vatican announced he would stand trial on charges of possessing child pornography, for which he faced a possible prison term. He died on 27 August 2015 of a heart attack before going to trial.

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