List of Famous people named Josefa

Name Josefa is among the most common names in Brazil, Spain, Argentina, Austria. Similar names: Joseph, Josef, Jozef, Jozsef, Josif, Josepha, Josyf. Here are some famous Josefas:

Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez

First Name Josefa
Born on November 30, 1767
Died on March 2, 1829 (aged 61)
Born in Mexico, Michoacán

María Josefa Crescencia Ortíz Téllez–Girón, popularly known as Doña Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez or La Corregidora was an insurgent and supporter of the Mexican War of Independence, which fought for independence against Spain, in the early 19th century. She was married to Miguel Domínguez, corregidor of the city of Querétaro, hence her nickname.

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Josefa Camejo

Josefa Venancia de la Encarnación Camejo
First Name Josefa
Born on May 18, 1791
Died on July 6, 1862 (aged 71)
Born in Falcón

Josefa Venancía de la Encarnación Camejo also known as La Camejo and Doña Ignacia, is recognized in the National Pantheon of Venezuela as one of the heroines of the Venezuelan War of Independence, supporting the patriotic cause.

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Josefa Llanes Escoda

First Name Josefa
Born on September 20, 1898
Died on January 6, 1945 (aged 46)

Josefa Madamba Llanes-Escoda was a prominent civic leader and a social worker. She is well known as a Filipino advocate of women's suffrage and was founder of the Girl Scouts of the Philippines.

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Josefa de los Dolores Peña y Lillo Barbosa

First Name Josefa
Born on March 12, 1739
Died on August 12, 1823 (aged 84)

Sister Josefa de los Dolores Peña y Lillo Barbosa, OP was a Dominican nun and a self-taught writer of the Chilean Colonial period ascribed to Catholic confessional discourse produced by Indian nuns in South American cloisters during the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries. She cultivated the epistolary genre, but also rarely wrote poetry.

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Josefa González-Blanco Ortiz-Mena

First Name Josefa
Born on March 9, 1965 (age 59)
Born in Mexico

Josefa González Blanco Ortiz Mena is a Mexican ecologist and politician from the National Regeneration Movement who was the Secretary of Environment from 2018 to 2019.

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Josefa Veit

First Name Josefa
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Josefa Fabíola

First Name Josefa
Born on February 3, 1983 (age 41)
Born in Brazil
Height 184 cm | 6'0

Josefa Fabíola Almeida de Souza Alves is a Brazilian professional volleyball player who won the bronze medal at the 2014 World Championship playing with the Brazil national team.

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Josefa de Óbidos

Josefa de Ayala Figueira
First Name Josefa
Born on November 30, 1629
Died on July 22, 1684 (aged 54)
Born in Spain, Andalusia

Josefa de Óbidos was a Spanish-born Portuguese painter. Her birth name was Josefa de Ayala Figueira, but she signed her work as, "Josefa em Óbidos" or, "Josefa de Ayalla". All of her work was executed in Portugal, her father's native country, where she lived from the age of four. Approximately 150 works of art have been attributed to Josefa de Óbidos, making her one of the most prolific Baroque artists in Portugal.

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Josefa Bayeu

First Name Josefa
Born on January 1, 1747
Died on June 30, 1812 (aged 65)
Born in Spain, Aragon

Josefa Bayeu y Subías was the sister of artist Francisco Bayeu and wife of artist Francisco Goya. Francisco de Goya gave her the nickname "Pepa". She bore seven children to him, only one of whom lived past infancy and into adulthood. His name was Francisco Javier de Goya y Bayeu, born on 2 December 1784. The artworks below are by Goya.

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Josefa de Tudó, 1st Countess of Castillo Fiel

Josefa Petra Francisca de Paula de Tudó y Catalán
First Name Josefa
Died on September 20, 1869
Born in Spain, Andalusia

Josefa de Tudó y Catalán, 1st Countess of Castillo Fiel,, also known as Pepita Tudó was the mistress of Spanish Prime Minister Manuel de Godoy. It has been suggested she was the model for two paintings by Goya, La maja desnuda and La maja vestida.

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