List of Famous people named Jaya

Similar names: Joe, Jay, Joey, Jo, J, Joy, Joao, Ji, Jia, Jai, Jj, Ja, Joi, Jae, Joie, Joo, Jah, Jiah, Jiao, Jho, Jaye, Jao, Jhye, Jie. Here are some famous Jayas:

Jaya Prada

First Name Jaya
Last Name Prada
Born on April 3, 1962 (age 62)
Born in India

Jayaprada is an Indian actress and politician. She is hailed as one of the most iconic and influential actresses in both Telugu and Hindi film industries in late '70s, '80s and early '90s. Jayaprada is the recipient of three Filmfare Awards South and has starred in many Telugu and Hindi films along with several Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Bengali and Marathi films. She left the film industry at the peak of her career, as she joined the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) in 1994 and entered politics. She was a Member of Parliament (MP) from Rampur, Uttar Pradesh from 2004 to 2014.

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Jaya Bachchan

First Name Jaya
Last Name Bachchan
Born on April 9, 1948 (age 76)
Born in India

Jaya Bachchan is an Indian film actress, politician and a member of Parliament in the Rajya Sabha from the Samajwadi Party, notably serving four terms since 2004. She is particularly known for reinforcing a natural style of acting in both mainstream and "middle-of-the-road" cinema. During her career, she won nine Filmfare Awards: including three for Best Actress and three for Best Supporting Actress. She was awarded the Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award in 2007. In 1992, she was awarded the Padma Shri by the Government of India.

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Jaya Jaitly

First Name Jaya
Last Name Jaitly
Born on June 14, 1942 (age 82)

Jaya Jaitly is an Indian politician and former Samata Party president, an activist, author and Indian handicrafts curator. She stepped down as party president because of the Operation West End controversy in 2002.

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Jaya Suprana

First Name Jaya
Last Name Suprana
Born on January 27, 1949 (age 76)
Born in Indonesia, Bali

Jaya Suprana, is an Indonesian pianist, composer, conductor, writer, cartoonist, and television presenter.

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