List of Famous people named Jho

Similar names: Joe, Jay, Joey, Jo, J, Joy, Joao, Ji, Jia, Jai, Jj, Ja, Joi, Jae, Joie, Joo, Jah, Jiah, Jaya, Jiao, Jaye, Jao, Jhye, Jie. Here are some famous Jhos:

Jho Low

Low Teak Jho
First Name Jho
Born on November 4, 1981 (age 42)
Born in Malaysia, Penang
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Low Taek Jho, often called Jho Low, is a Malaysian businessman and international fugitive sought by the authorities in Malaysia, Singapore, and the United States in connection with the 1MDB scandal. He is accused of being the mastermind of the massive fraud, which prosecutors allege was a scheme to siphon US$4.5 billion from 1MDB into Low's personal accounts. He is the beneficiary of numerous discretionary trust assets said by the US government to originate from payments out of the Malaysian 1MDB fund.

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