List of Famous people named Jared

Similar names: Jarred, Jarryd, Jarrid. Here are some famous Jareds:

Jared Padalecki

Jared Tristan Padalecki
First Name Jared
Born on July 19, 1982 (age 42)
Height 193 cm | 6'4

Jared Tristan Padalecki is an American actor. He is best known for playing the role of Sam Winchester in the TV series Supernatural. He grew up in Texas and rose to fame in the early 2000s after appearing on the television series Gilmore Girls as well as the films New York Minute (2004) and House of Wax (2005).

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Evil Jared

Jared Hennegan, better known by the stage name "Evil" Jared Hasselhoff, is an American musician, songwriter, actor and television moderator. He is best known for being the former bassist of Bloodhound Gang.

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Jared Dudley

Jared Anthony Dudley is an American professional basketball player who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He won an NBA championship with the Los Angeles Lakers in 2020. The forward has also played for the Charlotte Bobcats, Phoenix Suns, Los Angeles Clippers, Milwaukee Bucks, Washington Wizards, Brooklyn Nets.

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Jared Allen

Jared Scot Allen

Jared Scot Allen is an American curler and former professional football defensive end. After playing college football for Idaho State University, he was drafted by the Kansas City Chiefs of the National Football League (NFL) in the fourth round of the 2004 NFL Draft.

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Jared O'Mara

First Name Jared
Born on November 15, 1981 (age 42)

Jared Cain O'Mara is a British former politician. He was the Member of Parliament (MP) for the constituency of Sheffield Hallam from 2017 to 2019, and was elected as the Labour candidate.

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Jared Lee Loughner

First Name Jared
Born on September 10, 1988 (age 35)

Jared Lee Loughner is an American convicted mass murderer who pled guilty to 19 charges of murder and attempted murder in connection with the January 8, 2011 Tucson shooting, in which he shot and severely injured U.S. Representative Gabby Giffords, and killed six people, including Chief U.S. District Court Judge John Roll, Gabe Zimmerman, one of Giffords' staff, and a 9-year-old girl, Christina-Taylor Green. Loughner shot and injured a total of 13 people, including one man who was injured while subduing him.

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Jared Porter

First Name Jared
Born on November 23, 1979 (age 44)

Jared Porter is an American baseball executive. He served as the general manager for the New York Mets of Major League Baseball (MLB) from December 2020 until January 2021, when he was fired for sending explicit texts and photos to a female journalist, including photos of his penis, while a member of the Chicago Cubs front office in 2016.

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Jared Taylor

Samuel Jared Taylor
First Name Jared
Born on September 15, 1951 (age 72)

Samuel Jared Taylor is an American white supremacist and editor of American Renaissance, an online magazine espousing such opinions, which was founded by Taylor in 1990.

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Jared Butler

First Name Jared
Born on January 1, 1999 (age 25)

Jared Butler is an American college basketball player for the Baylor Bears of the Big 12 Conference.

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Jared Rosholt

First Name Jared
Born on August 4, 1986 (age 37)

Jared Daniel Rosholt is an American mixed martial artist currently competing in the Heavyweight division of the Professional Fighters League. A professional competitor since 2011, Rosholt has also competed for the UFC, Titan FC, and Legacy FC. He is the younger brother of former mixed martial artist Jake Rosholt.

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