List of Famous people named Ismael

Name Ismael is among the most common names in Mexico, Spain. Similar names: Esmael. Here are some famous Ismaels:

Ismaël Emelien

First Name Ismaël
Last Name Emelien
Born on March 9, 1987 (age 37)

Ismaël Emelien is a French political advisor. He is a co-founder of En Marche! and served as President Emmanuel Macron's special advisor for strategy, communication and speeches.

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Ismaël Bennacer

First Name Ismaël
Last Name Bennacer
Born on December 1, 1997 (age 26)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Ismaël Bennacer is an Algerian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Serie A club Milan and the Algeria national team.

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Ismaël Bangoura

First Name Ismaël
Last Name Bangoura
Born on January 2, 1985 (age 39)
Born in Conakry region
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Ismaël Bangoura is a Guinean football forward who plays Al-Taraji. Although his primary position is striker, Bangoura has also played as a winger and attacking midfielder.

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Ismaël Cruz Córdova

First Name Ismaël
Last Name Córdova
Born on April 7, 1987 (age 37)
Born in Puerto Rico

Ismael Enrique Cruz Córdova is a Puerto Rican television, stage, and film actor who gained national attention playing Mando on Sesame Street. Cruz also had a successful role in the Showtime original series Ray Donovan, and in the third season of Berlin Station, as Rafael Torres, an SOG operative. In early 2020 it was revealed that he had been cast in an undisclosed role in The Lord of the Rings on Amazon Prime.

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Ismaël Gharbi

First Name Ismaël
Last Name Gharbi
Born on April 10, 2004 (age 20)

Ismaël Gharbi is a French professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Ligue 1 club Paris Saint-Germain.

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Ismael Londt

First Name Ismael
Last Name Londt
Born on July 12, 1985 (age 39)
Height 194 cm | 6'4

Ismael Londt is a Surinamese-Dutch kickboxer signed to the ONE Championship.

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Ismael Santos

First Name Ismael
Last Name Santos
Born on April 26, 1972 (age 52)
Born in Spain, Galicia
Height 195 cm | 6'5

Ismael Santos is a retired basketball player. As a member of Real Madrid, he won the Euroleague title in 1995, being selected to the EuroLeague All-Final Four Team in the process. In 1997, Santos was instrumental as Real Madrid won the Saporta Cup.

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Ismael Serrano

Ismael Serrano Morón
First Name Ismael
Last Name Serrano
Born on March 9, 1974 (age 50)

Ismael Serrano is a singer-songwriter and guitarist from Spain, popular in Spain and Latin America, known for his often political lyrics and eclectic musical influences. During his creative career he has been influenced by other Spanish singer-songwriters such as Joaquín Sabina, Joan Manuel Serrat and the Cuban Silvio Rodríguez amongst others. His music also shows influences from renowned poets such as Luis García Montero and Mario Benedetti.

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Ismael Rescalvo

First Name Ismael
Last Name Rescalvo
Born on March 2, 1982 (age 42)

Ismael Rescalvo Sánchez is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a central defender, and is the manager of Ecuadorian club CS Emelec.

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Ismael Hernández

First Name Ismael
Last Name Hernández
Born on January 21, 1990 (age 34)

Ismael Marcelo Hernández Uscanga is a Mexican modern pentathlete. He won a bronze medal at the 2016 Summer Olympics, after having finished 23rd in the previous World Championships. He was awarded with the "Premio Nacional del Deporte" given by the Mexican Secretariat of Public Education in 2016.

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