List of Famous people named Hamada

Similar names: Hamadi. Here are some famous Hamadas:

Hamada Helal

محمد عبد الفتاح محمد عبد العزيز هلال
First Name Hamada
Last Name Helal
Born on March 20, 1980 (age 44)

Mohamed Abdel-Fatah Mohamed Abdulaziz Helal, better known as Hamada Helal, is an Egyptian singer, actor, and composer who was born in Faqous, Sharqia Governorate, Egypt. He now resides in Cairo. Hamada started his interest singing when he was 5 years old. He used to record his voice whilst singing on cassette tapes. Many great artists influenced Hamada, such as Abdel Halim Hafez, Mohamed Abdel Wahab, and Um Kulthum. At school, Hamada would sing during his school breaks and entertainment periods. One of his friends would be playing a drum, Hamada would be singing and a girl would be dancing. When Hamada was seven, one of his relatives heard him while he was singing and took Hamada to a musician. He learned the music basics and was encouraged. The musician told Hamada that he would introduce him to sing at a wedding of one of his relatives after three months. This was the starting point of his career. Hamada met a popular composer called Hassan Esh Esh who introduced him to Hamid Al-Shairi and presented him to a recording studio. They signed him to a contract straight away.

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Hamada Mari

First Name Hamada
Last Name Mari
Born on July 18, 1962 (age 62)
Born in Japan, Tokyo

Mari Hamada is a Japanese heavy metal and pop rock singer, songwriter, and producer. Since her debut in 1983, Hamada has been known as the "Heavy Metal Queen" of Japan. Throughout her career, she has released 25 singles and 23 studio albums.

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Hamada Emam

First Name Hamada
Last Name Emam
Born on November 28, 1943
Died on January 9, 2016 (aged 72)

Mohamed Yehia El Horria Emam, known as Hamada Emam, was a former Egyptian football player. He was Vice President of The Egyptian Football Association (EFA). Hamada Emam scored 74 goals for Zamalek SC in the Egyptian Premier League. He won two Egyptian league titles for Zamalek and three Egypt cups.

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Hamada Tolba

First Name Hamada
Last Name Tolba
Born on June 17, 1981 (age 43)

Hamada Tolba is an Egyptian footballer who currently plays for Petrojet SC and the Egyptian National Team as a defender.

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Hamada Madi

First Name Hamada
Last Name Madi
Born on January 1, 1965 (age 59)
Born in Comoros

Hamada Madi, widely known as "Boléro", is a Comorian politician, former Prime Minister and interim President. He is Secretary General of the Indian Ocean Commission.

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Hamada Sedki

First Name Hamada
Last Name Sedki
Born on August 25, 1961 (age 62)

Mohamed Yahia Sedki, known as Hamada Sedki is an Egyptian footballer. He played as a central defender for Al Ahly from 1986 to 1993, winning 25 international caps. Currently, he is a football manager.

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hamada Asahi

First Name Hamada
Last Name Asahi
Born on August 20, 2001 (age 22)
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