List of Famous people with last name Madi

Hamada Madi

First Name Hamada
Last Name Madi
Born on January 1, 1965 (age 59)
Born in Comoros

Hamada Madi, widely known as "Boléro", is a Comorian politician, former Prime Minister and interim President. He is Secretary General of the Indian Ocean Commission.

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Neven Madi

First Name Neven
Last Name Madi
Born on November 25, 1992 (age 31)

Neven Madi is an Emirati-Syrian actress. She is best known for her work in Arab Gulf television series as well as in some Syrian works. She began her career in 1999 as a child. Her most famous roles were in Sea Shadow in 2011, Eyes ink in 2012, Love is bossy in 2014, Justice: Qalb Al Adala in 2017, and The Inheritance in 2020. She is the cousin of Syrian actress Jumana Murad.

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