List of Famous people named Gilbert

Name Gilbert is among the most common names in France. Similar names: Gilberto, Gilberte, Gillbert. Here are some famous Gilberts:

Gilbert Gottfried

Gilbert Jeremy Gottfried
First Name Gilbert
Last Name Gottfried
Born on February 28, 1955
Died on April 12, 2022 (aged 67)

Gilbert Jeremy Gottfried is an American stand-up comedian, actor and voice actor. Gottfried's persona as a comedian features an exaggerated shrill voice and emphasis on crude humor. His numerous roles in film and television include voicing the parrot Iago in Disney's Aladdin animated films and TV show, Digit LeBoid in the PBS Kids Go! show Cyberchase, and Kraang Subprime in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Gottfried was also the voice of the Aflac Duck until 2011. He appeared in the critically panned commercial hit Problem Child in 1990.

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Gilbert Montagné

First Name Gilbert
Last Name Montagné
Born on December 28, 1951 (age 72)

Gilbert Montagné is a French musician from the Ménilmontant neighborhood in Paris and Bourbonnais, a pianist, organist, and a singer. He is a decorated Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters. Blind since birth, he is best remembered for his international hit "The Fool", which was a number 1 single across Europe in 1971. In France, he is still a popular albums and concert artist, having toured with the likes of Johnny Hallyday.

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Gilbert Burns

Gilbert Alexander Burns
First Name Gilbert
Last Name Burns
Born on July 20, 1986 (age 38)

Gilbert Alexander Pontes Burns, is a Brazilian professional mixed martial artist and submission grappler who currently competes in the welterweight division of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). As a grappler, Burns is a three-time World Champion and World Cup gold medalist. He is the older brother of fellow UFC fighter Herbert Burns. As of February 8, 2021, he is #1 in the UFC welterweight rankings.

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Gilbert Arenas

First Name Gilbert
Last Name Arenas
Born on January 6, 1982 (age 42)
Height 193 cm | 6'4

Gilbert Jay Arenas Jr. is an American former professional basketball player. Arenas attended Grant High School in the Valley Glen district of Los Angeles, and accepted a scholarship offer to the University of Arizona late in his junior year. He entered the 2001 NBA draft and was selected in the second round by the Golden State Warriors.

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Gilbert Melki

First Name Gilbert
Last Name Melki
Born on November 12, 1958 (age 65)

Gilbert Melki is a French actor.

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Gilbert Collard

Gilbert Georges Jean Camille René Collard
First Name Gilbert
Last Name Collard
Born on February 3, 1948 (age 76)

Gilbert Georges Jean Camille René Collard is a French writer, barrister and politician serving as a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) since 2019. A member of the National Rally (RN), he previously was the member of the National Assembly for the second constituency of Gard from 2012 until 2019. Collard has also served as Secretary-General of the Rassemblement bleu Marine (RBM) since 2012, a right-wing political association and think-tank supporting Marine Le Pen, officially distinct from the National Rally, the political party she leads.

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Gilbert Rozon

First Name Gilbert
Last Name Rozon
Born in Canada, Quebec

Gilbert Rozon is a Canadian impresario and founder of the Just for Laughs comedy festival, which he created on July 14, 1983. He is also responsible for the development and international deployment of the Just for Laughs/Juste pour Rire brand in over 150 countries. The Just for Laughs festival is considered the largest comedy festival in the world.

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Gilbert Melendez

First Name Gilbert
Last Name Melendez
Born on April 12, 1982 (age 42)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Gilbert Melendez is an American mixed martial artist who formerly competed in the Featherweight division of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). He is a two-time Strikeforce Lightweight Champion and a former WEC Lightweight Champion. He also competed in PRIDE FC, Shooto and Rumble on the Rock.

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Gilbert Duclos-Lassalle

First Name Gilbert
Last Name Duclos-Lassalle
Born on August 25, 1954 (age 69)

Gilbert Duclos-Lassalle is a former French professional road racing cyclist who was a specialist at one-day classic cycling races. He raced from 1977 to 1995, one of the best French riders of a generation that included Bernard Hinault and Laurent Fignon.

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Gilbert Diendéré

First Name Gilbert
Last Name Diendéré
Born on November 30, 1959 (age 64)
Born in Burkina Faso, Centre

Gilbert Diendéré is a Burkinabé military officer and the Chairman of the National Council for Democracy, the military junta that briefly seized power in Burkina Faso in the September 2015 coup d'état. He was a long-time aide to President Blaise Compaoré, serving as commander of the Regiment of Presidential Security (RSP) during Compaoré's rule. He was appointed as chairman of the junta on 17 September 2015.

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