List of Famous people named Georgios

Here are some famous Georgioses:

Georgios Papanikolaou

First Name Georgios
Born on May 13, 1883
Died on February 19, 1962 (aged 78)

Georgios Nikolaou Papanikolaou was a Greek physician who was a pioneer in cytopathology and early cancer detection, and inventor of the "Pap smear".

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Georgios Grivas-Digenis

First Name Georgios
Born on June 6, 1897
Died on January 27, 1974 (aged 76)

Georgios Grivas, also known by his nickname Digenis, was a Greek Cypriot general in the Hellenic Army and the leader of the EOKA organisation.

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Georgios Papadopoulos

First Name Georgios
Born on May 5, 1919
Died on June 27, 1999 (aged 80)

Georgios Papadopoulos was the head of the military coup d'état that took place in Greece on 21 April 1967, and leader of the junta that ruled the country from 1967 to 1974. He held his dictatorial power until 1973, when he was himself overthrown by his co-conspirator Dimitrios Ioannidis.

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Giorgos Papagiannis

First Name Giorgos
Born on July 3, 1997 (age 27)
Height 219 cm | 7'2

Georgios Papagiannis is a Greek professional basketball player for Panathinaikos of the Greek Basket League and the EuroLeague. Born in Marousi, Athens, Greece, he is a 7 ft 3 ​34 in tall center, with a 7 ft 6 in wingspan. His nicknames are "PG", "Big Papa" and "Big George". He is also a member of the senior National Team of Greece. He was selected 13th overall in the 2016 NBA draft by the Phoenix Suns, before having his draft rights traded to the Sacramento Kings.

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Georgios Hatzianestis

First Name Georgios
Born on December 3, 1863
Died on November 28, 1922 (aged 58)

Georgios Hatzianestis was a Greek artillery and general staff officer who rose to the rank of lieutenant general. He is best known as the commander-in-chief of the Army of Asia Minor at the time of the Turkish August 1922 offensive, which he failed to stop. Relieved, he was later tried and condemned in the Trial of the Six as one of the main culprits of the Greek defeat in the Asia Minor Campaign, and executed.

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Georgios Kountouriotis

First Name Georgios
Born on January 1, 1782
Died on January 1, 1858 (aged 76)

Georgios Kountouriotis was a Greek ship-owner and politician who served as prime minister from March to October 1848. He was born in 1782 on the Saronic island of Hydra to an Arvanite family. He was the brother of Lazaros Kountouriotis, another ship-owner of the Greek War of Independence and grandfather of Pavlos Kountouriotis who fought in the First Balkan War and later served as first (1924-1926) President of the Second Hellenic Republic.

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Georgios Papandreou

First Name Georgios
Born on February 13, 1888
Died on November 1, 1968 (aged 80)

Georgios Papandreou was a Greek politician, the founder of the Papandreou political dynasty. He served three terms as prime minister of Greece. He was also deputy prime minister from 1950–1952, in the governments of Nikolaos Plastiras and Sofoklis Venizelos and served numerous times as a cabinet minister, starting in 1923, in a political career that spanned more than five decades.

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Georgios Rallis

First Name Georgios
Born on December 26, 1918
Died on March 15, 2006 (aged 87)

Georgios Ioannou Rallis, anglicised to George Rallis, was a Greek conservative politician and Prime Minister of Greece from 1980 to 1981.

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Georgios Theotokis

First Name Georgios
Born on February 10, 1844
Died on January 12, 1916 (aged 71)

Georgios Theotokis was a Greek politician and Prime Minister of Greece, serving the post four times. He represented the New Party or Neoteristikon Komma (NK).

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Georgios Mangakis

First Name Georgios
Born on June 25, 1922
Died on September 5, 2011 (aged 89)
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