List of Famous people named Georg

Name Georg is among the most common names in Germany, Austria. Shortened forms: George. Similar names: George, George, Giorgio, Gyorgy, Georgy, Gheorghe, Georgia, Georgi, Giorgi, Giorgia, Georgie, Georgiy, Gyorgyi, Georgii. Here are some famous Georgs:

Georg Danzer

First Name Georg
Last Name Danzer
Born on October 7, 1946
Died on June 21, 2007 (aged 60)
Born in Austria

Georg Franz Danzer was an Austrian singer-songwriter. Although he is credited as one of the pioneers of Austropop, he always refused to be part of this genre.

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Georg Ferdinand Duckwitz

First Name Georg
Last Name Duckwitz
Born on September 29, 1904
Died on February 16, 1973 (aged 68)

Georg Ferdinand Duckwitz was a German diplomat. During World War II he served as an attaché for Nazi Germany in occupied Denmark. He tipped off the Danes about the Germans' intended deportation of the Jewish population in 1943 and arranged for their reception in Sweden. Danish resistance groups subsequently rescued 95% of Denmark's Jewish population. Israel has designated Duckwitz as one of the Righteous Among the Nations.

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Georg von Trapp

First Name Georg
Last Name Trapp
Born on April 4, 1880
Died on May 30, 1947 (aged 67)

Georg Ludwig Ritter von Trapp was an Austro-Hungarian naval officer who later acquired U.S. citizenship and the patriarch of the Trapp Family Singers, whose lives were the inspiration for the musical play and movie The Sound of Music. His naval exploits during World War I earned him numerous decorations, including the Military Order of Maria Theresa. Under his command, the submarines SM U-5 and SM U-14 sank 13 Allied ships totaling about 45,669 gross register tons (GRT).

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Georg Wilhelm Steller

First Name Georg
Last Name Steller
Born on March 10, 1709
Died on November 14, 1746 (aged 37)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Georg Wilhelm Steller was a German botanist, zoologist, physician and explorer, who worked in Russia and is considered a pioneer of Alaskan natural history.

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Georg Baselitz

Hans-Georg Kern
First Name Georg
Last Name Baselitz
Born on January 23, 1938 (age 87)
Born in Germany, Saxony

Georg Baselitz is a German painter, sculptor and graphic artist. In the 1960s he became well known for his figurative, expressive paintings. In 1969 he began painting his subjects upside down in an effort to overcome the representational, content-driven character of his earlier work and stress the artifice of painting. Drawing from myriad influences, including art of Soviet era illustration art, the Mannerist period and African sculptures, he developed his own, distinct artistic language.

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Georg von Rauch

First Name Georg
Last Name Rauch
Born on May 12, 1947
Died on December 4, 1971 (aged 24)
Born in Germany, Hesse

Georg von Rauch was a member of the left-radical Blues-Scene in West-Berlin at the end of the 1960s during the German student movement.

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Georg Friedrich

First Name Georg
Last Name Friedrich
Born on October 31, 1966 (age 58)
Born in Austria, Salzburg

Georg Friedrich is an Austrian actor. He appeared in more than eighty films since 1984. In 2017 he played in the German movie Wild by Nicolette Krebitz. He won the Silver Bear for Best Actor at the 2017 Berlin Film Festival for his performance in the film Bright Nights.

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Georg Uecker

First Name Georg
Last Name Uecker
Born on November 6, 1962 (age 62)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Georg Uecker is a German actor. Since 1985, he has played the character of Dr. Carsten Flöter on the popular German TV series Lindenstraße on ARD. Controversially, in 1987, he kissed Gert Weinbauer. This was the first gay kiss in a German series in the evening. A second kiss was in 1990 with character Robert Engel this brought about discussions on LGBT topics in the media. Uecker still continues to play the character. His other television credits include Schillerstraße and he is often a guest on Genial daneben. He is an LGBT-activist and lives in Cologne.

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Georg Holzer

First Name Georg
Last Name Holzer
Born in Austria

Georg Holzer is an Austrian Slavist and Indo-Europeanist.

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Georg Kreisler

First Name Georg
Last Name Kreisler
Born on July 18, 1922
Died on November 22, 2011 (aged 89)
Born in Austria

Georg Kreisler was an Austrian–American Viennese-language cabarettist, satirist, composer, and author. He was particularly popular in the 1950s and 1960s. From 2007 he lived in Salzburg, Austria, with his fourth wife, Barbara Peters. He died there on 22 November 2011 "after a severe infection," according to his wife Barbara.

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