List of Famous people named Gal

Similar names: Gale, Gali, Galla, Gala, Gyalo. Here are some famous Gals:

Gal Gadot

גל גדות
First Name Gal
Last Name Gadot
Born on April 30, 1985 (age 39)
Height 176 cm | 5'9

Gal Gadot Varsano is an Israeli actress, producer, and model. At age 18, she was crowned Miss Israel 2004. She then served two years in the Israel Defense Forces as a soldier, after which she began studying at the IDC Herzliya college, while building her modelling and acting careers.

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Gal Costa

First Name Gal
Last Name Costa
Born on September 26, 1945 (age 79)
Born in Brazil, Bahia

Gal Costa is a Brazilian singer of popular music.

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Gal Sone

First Name Gal
Last Name Sone
Born on December 4, 1985 (age 39)
Height 162 cm | 5'4

Gal Sone is a female Japanese competitive eater and singer. Her popularity has helped produce a resurgence in Japanese competitive eating, or ōgui, after the outcry following the death of a Japanese schoolboy imitating an eating stunt in 2002 resulted in a three-year hiatus for major Japanese eating contests.

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