List of Famous people named Dakota

Here are some famous Dakotas:

Dakota Johnson

Dakota Mayi Johnson
First Name Dakota
Last Name Johnson
Born on October 4, 1989 (age 34)
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Dakota Mayi Johnson is an American actress and model. The daughter of actors Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith, she made her film debut at age ten with a minor appearance in Crazy in Alabama (1999), a dark comedy film starring her mother. Johnson was discouraged from pursuing acting further until she graduated from high school, after which she began auditioning for roles in Los Angeles.

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Dakota Fanning

Hanna Dakota Fanning
First Name Dakota
Last Name Fanning
Born on February 23, 1994 (age 30)
Height 163 cm | 5'4

Hannah Dakota Fanning is an American actress. She rose to prominence at the age of seven for her performance as Lucy Dawson in the drama film I Am Sam (2001), for which she received a Screen Actors Guild Award nomination at age eight, making her the youngest nominee in SAG history. Fanning played major roles in the films Uptown Girls (2003), The Cat in the Hat (2003), Man on Fire (2004), War of the Worlds (2005), Dreamer (2005), and Charlotte's Web (2006).

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Dakota Meyer

First Name Dakota
Last Name Meyer
Born on June 26, 1988 (age 36)

Dakota Louis Meyer is a retired United States Marine. A veteran of the War in Afghanistan, he was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions during the Battle of Ganjgal on September 8, 2009, in Kunar Province, Afghanistan. Meyer is the second-youngest living Medal of Honor recipient, the third living recipient for either the Iraq War or the War in Afghanistan, and the first living United States Marine in 38 years to be so honored.

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Dakota Blue Richards

First Name Dakota
Last Name Richards
Born on April 11, 1994 (age 30)
Height 164 cm | 5'5

Dakota Blue Richards is an English actress. Her film debut at the age of 13 was in The Golden Compass, as the lead character Lyra Belacqua. Other lead roles include the wayward teenager April in Dustbin Baby and Maria in the 2009 film The Secret of Moonacre. In 2011 she played Franky Fitzgerald in the third generation cast of British teen drama Skins. She has also played roles in television, film and on stage.

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Dakota Goyo

First Name Dakota
Last Name Goyo
Born on August 22, 1999 (age 24)
Born in Canada, Ontario

Dakota Avery Goyo is a Canadian actor. He is best known for playing Max Kenton in the film Real Steel (2011) and Jesse Barrett in the film Dark Skies (2013). He also voices Jamie in the DreamWorks Animation film Rise of the Guardians (2012).

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Dakota Kai

First Name Dakota
Last Name Kai
Born on May 6, 1988 (age 36)

Cheree Georgina Crowley is a New Zealand professional wrestler of Samoan and Irish descent. She is signed to WWE and performs on the NXT brand under the ring name Dakota Kai.

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Dakota Cochrane

First Name Dakota
Last Name Cochrane
Born on May 1, 1986 (age 38)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Dakota Galen Cochrane is an American mixed martial artist who fights in the Lightweight and Welterweight divisions. He has competed for Bellator MMA, Titan Fighting Championships, and Legacy Fighting Alliance. Cochrane is currently competing as a bare-knuckle boxer in the Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship (BKFC).

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Dakota Rose

First Name Dakota
Last Name Rose
Born on September 19, 1995 (age 28)
Height 162 cm | 5'4

Dakota Rose Ostrenga, known professionally as Dakota Rose, is an American model, fashion blogger, and television personality based in Tokyo, Japan. Rose achieved early Internet fame by posting make-up tutorials on YouTube, which went viral in Asia and earned her the nickname "real-life Barbie doll." After gaining attention in Japan, Rose modeled exclusively for the magazine Popteen and also appeared on runways, commercials, and variety shows. She is represented by Platinum Production.

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