List of Famous people named Cori

Similar names: Kori, Korey, Koray, Kor. Here are some famous Coris:

Cori Gauff

Cori Dionne Gauff
First Name Cori
Last Name Gauff
Born on March 13, 2004 (age 20)

Cori "Coco" Gauff is an American tennis player. She is the youngest player ranked in the top 100 by the Women's Tennis Association (WTA) and has a career-high ranking of No. 47 in the world in singles, and No. 42 in doubles. Gauff won her first WTA singles title at the 2019 Linz Open at the age of 15, making her the youngest singles title-holder on the WTA Tour since 2004. She also has won two WTA doubles titles with compatriot and fellow teenager Caty McNally. Gauff rose to prominence with an upset win over Venus Williams in the opening round at Wimbledon in 2019.

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Cori Bush

First Name Cori
Last Name Bush
Born on July 21, 1976 (age 48)

Cori Anika Bush is an American politician, registered nurse, pastor, and activist serving as the U.S. Representative for Missouri's 1st congressional district. The district includes all of the city of St. Louis and most of northern St. Louis County.

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Cori Schumacher

First Name Cori
Last Name Schumacher
Born on April 23, 1977 (age 47)

Cori Schumacher is a world champion surfer and an American politician, currently an at-large member of the Carlsbad, California City Council.

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