List of Famous people named Clementine

Similar names: Clementina, Clemintine. Here are some famous Clementines:

Clémentine Célarié

First Name Clémentine
Last Name Célarié
Born on October 12, 1957 (age 67)
Born in Senegal, Dakar

Clémentine Célarié is a French actress, comedian, writer, director and singer.

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Clémentine Autain

First Name Clémentine
Last Name Autain
Born on May 26, 1973 (age 51)

Clémentine Autain is a French politician and feminist. She is also co-editor of the monthly publication Regards with Roger Martelli, and is co-secretary of the Fondation Copernic.

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Clementine Churchill, Baroness Spencer-Churchill

First Name Clementine
Last Name Spencer-Churchill
Born on April 1, 1885
Died on December 12, 1977 (aged 92)

Clementine Ogilvy Spencer Churchill, Baroness Spencer-Churchill, was the wife of Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and a life peer in her own right. While legally the daughter of Sir Henry Hozier, her mother’s known infidelity and his suspected infertility make her paternal parentage uncertain. She met Churchill in 1904 and they began their marriage of 56 years in 1908. They had five children together, one of whom died at the age of two from sepsis. During World War I, Clementine organised canteens for munitions workers and during World War II, she acted as Chairperson of the Red Cross Aid to Russia Fund, President of the Young Women’s Christian Association War Time Appeal and Chairman of Maternity Hospital for the Wives of Officers, Fulmer Chase, South Bucks. Throughout her life she was granted many titles, the final being a life peerage following the death of her husband in 1965. In her later years, she sold several of her husband’s portraits to help support herself financially. She died in her London home at the age of 92.

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Clémentine Poidatz

Clémentine Marie Florence Poidatz
First Name Clémentine
Last Name Poidatz
Born on June 19, 1981 (age 43)

Clémentine Poidatz is a French actress. She studied at the Cours Florent then at the Conservatoire national supérieur d'art dramatique in Paris, France.

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Clémentine Margaine

First Name Clémentine
Last Name Margaine
Born on January 1, 1984 (age 41)
Born in France, Occitania

Clémentine Margaine, is a French operatic mezzo-soprano.

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Clémentine Delait

Clémentine Clatteaux
First Name Clémentine
Last Name Delait
Born on March 5, 1865
Died on April 19, 1939 (aged 74)
Born in France, Grand Est

Clémentine Delait was a French bearded lady who kept a café. She has been described by contemporaries as "the most illustrious and celebrated bearded lady in France" and "the perfect example of a bearded lady".

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Clementine de Brockhausen

First Name Clementine
Last Name Brockhausen
Died on October 12, 1868
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Clementine Maria Chermside

First Name Clementine
Last Name Chermside
Born on January 1, 1855
Died on January 1, 1941 (aged 86)
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Clementine Marsha Stanley

First Name Clementine
Last Name Stanley
Born on January 1, 1986 (age 39)
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Clementine Ford

First Name Clementine
Last Name Ford
Born on June 29, 1979 (age 45)

Clementine Shepherd Ford is an American actress known for her appearance as Molly Kroll on Showtime's The L Word. In April 2009, she joined the cast of the soap opera The Young and the Restless in the role of Mackenzie Browning. She left the show in 2010.

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