List of Famous people with last name Spencer-churchill

Clementine Churchill, Baroness Spencer-Churchill

First Name Clementine
Last Name Spencer-Churchill
Born on April 1, 1885
Died on December 12, 1977 (aged 92)

Clementine Ogilvy Spencer Churchill, Baroness Spencer-Churchill, was the wife of Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and a life peer in her own right. While legally the daughter of Sir Henry Hozier, her mother’s known infidelity and his suspected infertility make her paternal parentage uncertain. She met Churchill in 1904 and they began their marriage of 56 years in 1908. They had five children together, one of whom died at the age of two from sepsis. During World War I, Clementine organised canteens for munitions workers and during World War II, she acted as Chairperson of the Red Cross Aid to Russia Fund, President of the Young Women’s Christian Association War Time Appeal and Chairman of Maternity Hospital for the Wives of Officers, Fulmer Chase, South Bucks. Throughout her life she was granted many titles, the final being a life peerage following the death of her husband in 1965. In her later years, she sold several of her husband’s portraits to help support herself financially. She died in her London home at the age of 92.

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John Spencer-Churchill, 7th Duke of Marlborough

John Winston Spencer-Churchill, Earl of Sunderland
First Name John
Last Name Marlborough
Born on June 2, 1822
Died on July 4, 1883 (aged 61)

John Winston Spencer-Churchill, 7th Duke of Marlborough, styled Earl of Sunderland from 1822 to 1840 and Marquess of Blandford from 1840 to 1857, was a British Conservative cabinet minister, politician, peer, and nobleman. He was the paternal grandfather of Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill.

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Jack Churchill

John Strange Spencer-Churchill
First Name Jack
Last Name Churchill
Born on February 4, 1880
Died on February 23, 1947 (aged 67)
Born in Ireland

Major John Strange Spencer-Churchill, known as Jack Churchill, was the younger son of Lord Randolph Churchill and his wife Jennie, and the brother of former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Sir Winston Churchill.

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John Spencer-Churchill

First Name John
Last Name Spencer-Churchill
Born on May 31, 1909
Died on June 23, 1992 (aged 83)

John George Spencer-Churchill was an English painter, sculptor and a stockbroker who was the nephew of Sir Winston Churchill.

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Ivor Charles Robert Spencer-Churchill

First Name Ivor
Last Name Spencer-Churchill
Born on March 30, 2014 (age 10)
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Martha Melissa Spencer-Churchill

First Name Martha
Born on May 18, 2012 (age 12)
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