List of Famous people named Caspar

Here are some famous Caspars:

Caspar David Friedrich

First Name Caspar
Last Name Friedrich
Born on September 5, 1774
Died on May 7, 1840 (aged 65)

Caspar David Friedrich was a 19th-century German Romantic landscape painter, generally considered the most important German artist of his generation. He is best known for his mid-period allegorical landscapes which typically feature contemplative figures silhouetted against night skies, morning mists, barren trees or Gothic ruins. His primary interest was the contemplation of nature, and his often symbolic and anti-classical work seeks to convey a subjective, emotional response to the natural world. Friedrich's paintings characteristically set a human presence in diminished perspective amid expansive landscapes, reducing the figures to a scale that, according to the art historian Christopher John Murray, directs "the viewer's gaze towards their metaphysical dimension".

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Caspar Einem

First Name Caspar
Last Name Einem
Born on May 6, 1948 (age 76)
Born in Austria, Salzburg

Caspar Einem is a former Austrian politician and former minister (SPÖ). He served as board member of Jetalliance, which ceased operations in 2013.

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Caspar Phillipson

First Name Caspar
Last Name Phillipson
Born on January 13, 1971 (age 53)

Caspar Phillipson is a Danish actor who has performed onscreen, onstage, and as a voice actor, predominantly in Scandinavian productions. Phillipson is best known in the English-speaking world for his portrayal of John F. Kennedy in the 2016 film Jackie. Although Phillipson appears in Jackie for only ten minutes, his resemblance to Kennedy has been considered unusually striking. Phillipson has subsequently portrayed Kennedy in a short film, in live performances of Kennedy's speeches, and again in the upcoming Blonde.

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Caspar Ying-wai Tsui

First Name Caspar
Last Name Tsui
Born on November 30, 1975 (age 48)

Caspar Tsui Ying-wai is a Hong Kong politician and government official. Since 2020, he has been Secretary for Home Affairs.

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Caspar Voght

First Name Caspar
Last Name Voght
Born on November 17, 1752
Died on March 20, 1839 (aged 86)
Born in Germany

Caspar Voght, later Caspar Reichsfreiherr von Voght, was a German merchant and social reformer from Hamburg. Together with his business partner and friend Georg Heinrich Sieveking he led one of the largest trading firms in Hamburg during the second half of the 18th Century. On numerous trade trips, he completely crossed the European continent. One of his greatest achievements was reforming the welfare system of Hamburg. From 1785 he dedicated himself to strengthening agricultural and horticultural projects and built a model agricultural community in Flottbek, close to the gates of Hamburg.

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Caspar Bowden

First Name Caspar
Last Name Bowden
Born on August 19, 1961
Died on July 9, 2015 (aged 53)

Caspar Pemberton Scott Bowden was a British privacy advocate, formerly a chief privacy adviser at Microsoft. Styled as "an independent advocate for information privacy rights, and public understanding of privacy research in computer science", he was on the board of the Tor anonymity service. and a fellow of the British Computer Society. Having predicted US mass surveillance programmes such as PRISM from open sources, he gathered renewed attention after the Snowden leaks vindicated his warnings.

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Caspar Wolf

First Name Caspar
Last Name Wolf
Born on May 3, 1735
Died on October 6, 1783 (aged 48)

Caspar Wolf was a Swiss painter, known mostly for his dramatic paintings of the Alps. He was strongly influenced by Albrecht von Haller's poems on the Alps, and the Sturm und Drang movement. After 1773 Wolf mostly painted glaciers, caves, waterfalls and gorges.

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Caspar Neher

First Name Caspar
Last Name Neher
Born on April 11, 1897
Died on June 30, 1962 (aged 65)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Caspar Neher was an Austrian-German scenographer and librettist, known principally for his career-long working relationship with Bertolt Brecht.

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Caspar Frantz

First Name Caspar
Last Name Frantz
Born on January 1, 1980 (age 44)

Caspar Frantz is a German pianist and music educator.

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Caspar Glyn

First Name Caspar
Last Name Glyn
Born on August 6, 1969 (age 55)
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