List of Famous people named Budi

Similar names: Buddy, Bud, Budd, Budda, Budhia, Buddie. Here are some famous Budis:

Budi Gunawan

First Name Budi
Last Name Gunawan
Born on December 11, 1959 (age 65)

Budi Gunawan is an Indonesian police officer. He has served as Chief of the Indonesian State Intelligence Agency (BIN) since 9 September 2016. He is also chairman of the executive board of E-Sport Indonesia, tasked to develop e-sports in Indonesia. Previously, he was Deputy Chief of Indonesian National Police to General Badrodin Haiti since 22 April 2015 and Police General Tito Karnavian since 13 July 2016, until he was appointed chief of BIN. On 2 September 2016, President Jokowi named Budi Gunawan to become BIN chief to replace Sutiyoso and sent a letter to the DPR. He passed a fit and proper text conducted by the DPR Commission I and was then approved by a DPR plenary session. Budi Gunawan became the second policeman after General Sutanto (2009–2011) to lead BIN. He was also an aide to politician Megawati Sukarnoputri in 1999-2004.

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Budi Karya Sumadi

First Name Budi
Last Name Sumadi
Born on December 18, 1956 (age 68)

Budi Karya Sumadi is an Indonesian architect who currently serves as the Minister of Transportation in Joko Widodo's Working Cabinet.

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Budi Santoso

First Name Budi
Last Name Santoso
Born on June 8, 1975 (age 49)
Born in Indonesia

Budi Santoso is an Indonesian retired badminton player from PB Djarum club, who joined the club since 1982. He was part of the national team that clinched the men's team title at the Asian Games in 1998, and at the Thomas Cup in 2002. Santoso had been ranked in the world top ten. After retired from the international tournament, he started his career as a coach in Mutiara Bandung club, and later for the men's singles team in the national camp.

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Budi Budiman

First Name Budi
Last Name Budiman
Born on April 27, 1965 (age 59)
Born in Indonesia, West Java
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Budi Satria Isman

First Name Budi
Last Name Isman
Born on March 23, 1962 (age 62)
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Budi Sudarsono

First Name Budi
Last Name Sudarsono
Born on September 19, 1979 (age 45)
Born in Indonesia, East Java
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Budi Sudarsono is a retired Indonesian footballer and currently work as football coach. He normally plays either as an attacking midfielder or a forward.

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Budi Dalton

First Name Budi
Last Name Dalton
Born on October 16, 1972 (age 52)
Born in Indonesia, West Java
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Budi Waseso

First Name Budi
Last Name Waseso
Born on February 19, 1961 (age 63)
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Budi Santoso

First Name Budi
Last Name Santoso
Born on April 28, 1986 (age 38)
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Budi Djiwandono

First Name Budi
Last Name Djiwandono
Born on September 25, 1981 (age 43)
Born in Indonesia

Gerardus Budisatrio Djiwandono is an Indonesian politician who has been serving in the People's Representative Council since 2017. A member of the Gerindra party, he is currently a Deputy Chairman of the legislature's fourth commission on agriculture, environmental, forestry, and maritime affairs.

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