List of Famous people named Bronwyn
Died on July 11, 2006 (aged 47)
Bronwyn Joy Oliver was an Australian sculptor whose work primarily consisted of metalwork. Oliver was raised in rural New South Wales. She trained at Sydney's Alexander Mackie College of Advanced Education and London's Chelsea School of Art. She had early success, winning a New South Wales Travelling Art Scholarship in 1981 and the Moet & Chandon Australian Art Fellowship in 1984. Oliver settled in Sydney, where she practised and taught until her death in 2006.
Bronwyn Kathleen Bishop is an Australian former politician. She was a member of federal parliament for almost 30 years, the longest period of service by a woman. A member of the Liberal Party, she was a minister in the Howard Government from 1996 to 2001 and Speaker of the House of Representatives from 2013 to 2015.
Died on May 25, 2016 (aged 71)
Died on January 20, 2007 (aged 98)
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