List of Famous people named Bobbie

Similar names: Bob, Bobby, Bobbi, Bobo, Booboo, Boby. Here are some famous Bobbies:

Bobbie Jo Stinnett

First Name Bobbie
Born on December 4, 1981
Died on December 16, 2004 (aged 23)

Bobbie Jo Stinnett was a pregnant 23-year-old American woman found murdered in her home in Skidmore, Missouri. The perpetrator, Lisa Marie Montgomery, then aged 36, strangled Stinnett and cut Stinnett's unborn child, eight months into gestation, from her womb. The baby was safely recovered by authorities and returned to the father.

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Bobbie Brown

Bobbie Jean Brown
First Name Bobbie
Born on October 7, 1969 (age 54)

Bobbie Jean Brown, sometimes credited as Bobbie Brown-Lane, is an American actress, model, and former beauty pageant contestant. She appeared in the video for Warrant's "Cherry Pie.”

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Bobbie Battista

First Name Bobbie
Born on July 23, 1952
Died on March 3, 2020 (aged 67)

Barbara Ann "Bobbie" Battista was an American journalist and a prominent newscaster on CNN. During her 20-year career with the cable news company, Battista anchored numerous programs on CNN, CNN Headline News, and CNN International.

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Bobbie Phillips

Bobbie Phillips is an American actress, and animal advocate.

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Bobbie Gentry

Bobbie Lee Gentry is a retired American singer-songwriter who was one of the first female artists to compose and produce her own material.

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Bobbie Thomas

First Name Bobbie
Born on October 23, 1974 (age 49)

Bobbie Thomas is an American fashion journalist. She is the Style Editor for NBC's Today Show. She has been considered a beauty and fashion expert for over a decade, and has appeared on TV shows including E! Red Carpet coverage, Style Network's Fashion Police, The View and The Wendy Williams Show. Her national column, "the Buzz" appeared in In Touch Weekly Magazine. Now, "Bobbie's Buzz" airs weekly on TODAY with Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb.

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Bobbie Heine Miller

Esther Heine
First Name Bobbie
Born on December 5, 1909
Died on July 31, 2016 (aged 106)

Bobbie Heine-Miller was a South African tennis player. She was born in Greytown in the Colony of Natal. As Bobbie Heine, she won the doubles title at the 1927 French Championships partnering Irene Bowder Peacock. In 1929, she was ranked no. 5 in the world. Her brother was the South African cricketer Peter Heine.

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Bobbie Rosenfeld

First Name Bobbie
Born on December 28, 1904
Died on November 14, 1969 (aged 64)
Height 169 cm | 5'7

Fanny "Bobbie" Rosenfeld was a Canadian athlete, who won a gold medal for the 100-metre relay and a silver medal for the 100-metre at the 1928 Summer Olympics in Amsterdam. She was named "Canadian woman athlete of the half-century" in 1949, and a star at basketball, hockey, softball, and tennis. She was named Canada's Female Athlete of the First Half-Century (1900–1950). She also was called Bobbie for her "bobbed" haircut. The Bobbie Rosenfeld Award is named in her honour. She was also inducted into the Ontario Sports Hall of Fame in 1996.

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Bobbie Singer

First Name Bobbie
Born on February 22, 1981 (age 43)

Bobbie Singer is an Austrian singer, best known for her participation in the Eurovision Song Contest 1999.

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