List of Famous people named Birgit

Name Birgit is among the most common names in Germany, Austria. Similar names: Birgitta, Birgitte, Birgitt. Here are some famous Birgits:

Birgit Minichmayr

First Name Birgit
Last Name Minichmayr
Born on April 3, 1977 (age 47)

Birgit Minichmayr is an Austrian actress born in Linz, Austria. She studied drama at the Max Reinhardt Seminar in Vienna. For her work in Maren Ade's film Everyone Else she won Silver Bear for Best Actress at 59th Berlin International Film Festival. She is the only Austrian actress to win this award in history of the festival and the first Austrian actress to win best actress award at a major European film festival since 1956. She worked with several major European directors including Michael Haneke, Tom Tykwer and Jessica Hausner.

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Birgit Schrowange

First Name Birgit
Last Name Schrowange
Born on April 7, 1958 (age 66)

Birgit Schrowange is a German television presenter.

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Birgit Hogefeld

First Name Birgit
Last Name Hogefeld
Born on July 27, 1956 (age 68)
Born in Germany, Hesse

Birgit Hogefeld is a former member of the West German Red Army Faction (RAF).

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Birgit Prinz

First Name Birgit
Last Name Prinz
Born on October 25, 1977 (age 46)
Born in Germany, Hesse
Height 179 cm | 5'10

Birgit Prinz is a German retired footballer, two-time FIFA Women's World Cup champion and three-time FIFA World Player of the Year. In addition to the German national team, Prinz played for 1. FFC Frankfurt in the Frauen-Bundesliga as well as the Carolina Courage in the Women's United Soccer Association (WUSA), the first professional women's league in the United States. Prinz remains one of the game's most prolific strikers and is the second FIFA Women's World Cup all-time leading scorer with 14 goals. On 12 August 2011, she announced the end of her active career. She currently works as a sport psychologist for the men's and women's teams of 1. Bundesliga club TSG 1899 Hoffenheim.

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Birgit Breuel

Birgit Münchmeyer
First Name Birgit
Last Name Breuel
Born on September 7, 1937 (age 87)
Born in Germany, Hamburg, Altona

Birgit Breuel is a German politician, representative of the German Christian Democratic Union (CDU). She is the former President of the Treuhand Agency, and Commissioner General of the Expo 2000 in Hannover, and later worked in several honorary positions.

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Birgit Hebein

First Name Birgit
Last Name Hebein
Born on January 13, 1967 (age 57)
Born in Austria, Carinthia

Birgit Hebein is an Austrian politician of The Greens. She served as Deputy Mayor of Vienna and City Councillor for Urban Development, Transport, Climate Protection, Energy Planning, and Citizen Participation from 2019 to 2020. Since 2019, she has been the inaugural chairwoman of the Vienna Greens. Prior, who served as a member of the Gemeinderat and Landtag of Vienna from 2010 to 2019.

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Birgit Fischer

First Name Birgit
Last Name Fischer
Born on February 25, 1962 (age 62)
Born in Germany, Brandenburg
Height 172 cm | 5'8

Birgit Fischer is a former German kayaker, who has won eight gold medals over six different Olympic Games, a record she shares with Aladár Gerevich, spanning seven Olympiads: twice representing East Germany, then four times representing the reunited nation. After both the 1988 and 2000 games, she announced her retirement, only to return for the subsequent games. She has been both the youngest- and oldest-ever Olympic canoeing champion. In 2004, she was chosen as the German sportswoman of the year.

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Birgit Michels

Birgit Overzier

Birgit Michels is a German badminton player. She competed for Germany at the 2008 and 2012 Summer Olympics in the mixed doubles. In 2008, she competed with Kristof Hopp, and in 2012 she competed with Michael Fuchs, reaching the quarter-finals.

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Birgit Kober

First Name Birgit
Last Name Kober
Born on July 10, 1971 (age 53)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Birgit Kober is a German Paralympic athlete. She initially competed in F34 seated throwing events, and from 2011-2013 she became the reigning champion at European, World and Paralympic level in both shot put and javelin in her class. At the 2012 Summer Paralympic Games in London, she broke the world record in both her events. Following changes to the IPC rules for seated throws in 2014, she chose to compete in a standing position as an F36 athlete. She won the F36 shot put at the 2016 Summer Paralympic Games with a Paralympic record throw. As of April 2017 she is World Record holder in the Women's F36 shot put, a distance of 11.52 m set in July 2016.

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Birgit Keil

First Name Birgit
Last Name Keil
Born on September 22, 1944 (age 80)

Birgit Keil is a German ballet dancer. She was prima ballerina of the Stuttgart Ballet and was internationally known as The German Ballerina, She has been teaching at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mannheim and directing the ballet ensemble of the Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe.

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