List of Famous people named Bettina

Name Bettina is among the most common names in Germany, Austria. Similar names: Bettino, Bethenny, Bitten, Bettine. Here are some famous Bettinas:

Bettina Stark-Watzinger

Bettina Stark
First Name Bettina
Born on May 12, 1968 (age 56)
Born in Germany, Hesse

Bettina Stark-Watzinger is a German economist and politician of the Free Democratic Party (FDP) who has been serving as Minister of Education and Research in Chancellor Olaf Scholz's cabinet since 2021. She has been a member of the Bundestag from the state of Hesse since 2017. Since 2021, she has been the chairwoman of the FDP in Hesse.

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Bettina Gaus

First Name Bettina
Born on December 5, 1956 (age 68)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Bettina Gaus is a German journalist.

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Bettina Jarasch

Bettina Hartmann
First Name Bettina
Born on November 1, 1968 (age 56)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Bettina Jarasch is a German politician and member of the Abgeordnetenhaus of Berlin since 2016, representing Alliance 90/The Greens. She has served as party spokesperson for integration and refugees since 2016. She was previously leader of the Berlin branch of from 2011 to 2016, and a member of the federal party executive from 2013 to 2018. She is the Greens' lead candidate for the 2021 Berlin state election.

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Bettina Schausten

First Name Bettina
Born on February 18, 1965 (age 59)

Bettina Schausten is a German journalist.

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Bettina Wegner

Bettina Helene Wegner
First Name Bettina
Born on November 4, 1947 (age 77)
Born in Germany

Bettina Wegner is a German singer-songwriter. She is best known for her song "Sind so kleine Hände", written as "Kinder (Children)", also sung by Joan Baez, Dean Reed and others.

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Bettina Zimmermann

First Name Bettina
Born on March 31, 1975 (age 49)

Bettina Zimmermann is a German model and actress. She appeared in more than sixty films since 1999.

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Bettina Röhl

First Name Bettina
Born on September 21, 1962 (age 62)
Born in Germany

Bettina Röhl is a German journalist and author. She is best known for her writings about student radicalism of the 1960s and the terrorist kidnappings that it spawned in West Germany during the early 1970s. Röhl has written extensively about the former Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer's time as a leftwing militant leader. She has also researched and written at length about her own mother, the journalist and Red Army Faction terrorist Ulrike Meinhof. Her assessments of the violence associated with the Red Army Faction in the 1970s are at times insightful and intensely critical.

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Bettina Wulff

Bettina Körner
First Name Bettina
Born on October 25, 1973 (age 51)

Bettina Wulff is the wife of the former German President Christian Wulff and was therefore sometimes referred to by the media as the "First Lady" during her husband's presidency.

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Bettina Plank

First Name Bettina
Born on February 24, 1992 (age 32)
Born in Austria, Vorarlberg

Bettina Plank is an Austrian karateka. She won one of the bronze medals in the women's 55 kg event at the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan. She is a two-time bronze medalist in the women's 50 kg event at the World Karate Championships. She also won the gold medal in her event at the 2015 European Karate Championships in Istanbul, Turkey.

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Bettina Tietjen

First Name Bettina
Born on January 5, 1960 (age 65)

Bettina Tietjen is a German television presenter and talkshow host.

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