List of Famous people named Ary

Similar names: Ari, Arie, Ara, Yara, Aria, Ariya, Aaro, Ario, Arye, Aare, Aarya, Iyari, Aarre, Are, Arya. Here are some famous Arys:

Ary Abittan

First Name Ary
Last Name Abittan
Born on January 31, 1974 (age 51)

Ary Abittan is a French actor and humorist.

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Ary Fontoura

First Name Ary
Last Name Fontoura
Born on January 27, 1933 (age 92)
Born in Brazil, Paraná

Ary Fontoura is a Brazilian actor, writer, director, poet and TV-presenter. He was born in Curitiba, Paraná.

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Ary Toledo

First Name Ary
Last Name Toledo
Born on August 22, 1937 (age 87)

Ary Christoni de Toledo Piza, commonly known as Ary Toledo, is a Brazilian humorist, singer, lyricist and actor.

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Ary Chalus

First Name Ary
Last Name Chalus
Born on December 6, 1961 (age 63)
Born in France, Guadeloupe

Ary Chalus is a French politician from Guadeloupe. He was the mayor of Baie-Mahault from April 2001 to December 2015. He was the deputy for Guadeloupe's 3rd constituency in the National Assembly of France from 2012 to 2017, as a member of the GUSR.

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Ary Barroso

Ary Evangelista Barroso
First Name Ary
Last Name Barroso
Died on February 9, 1964
Born in Brazil, Minas Gerais

Ary de Resende Barroso (1903–1964), better known as Ary Barroso, was a Brazilian composer, pianist, soccer commentator, and talent-show host on radio and TV. He was one of Brazil's most successful songwriters in the first half of the 20th century. Barroso also composed many songs for Carmen Miranda during her career.

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Ary Ginanjar Agustian

First Name Ary
Last Name Agustian
Born on March 24, 1965 (age 59)
Born in Indonesia, West Java
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Ary França

First Name Ary
Last Name França
Born on November 30, 1956 (age 68)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo
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Ary Sanches

First Name Ary
Last Name Sanches
Born on July 16, 1944 (age 80)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo
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Ary Ribeiro Valadão

First Name Ary
Last Name Valadão
Born on November 14, 1921
Died on August 9, 2021 (aged 99)

Ary Ribeiro Valadão was a Brazilian politician, farmer, and lawyer. He served in the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil and as Governor of Goiás.

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Ary Trisnanto

First Name Ary
Last Name Trisnanto
Born on January 23, 1991 (age 34)
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