List of Famous people named Angelica

Name Angelica is among the most common names in Mexico, Argentina. Similar names: Angelika, Angelique. Here are some famous Angelicas:

Angelica Michibata

First Name Angelica
Last Name Michibata
Born on December 5, 1985 (age 38)
Born in Japan
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Angelica Patricia Michibata, simply known as Angelica Michibata , is Japanese model of Argentine-Italian descent. She and her sisters, Jessica and Karen, are called the "Michibata Sanshimai". She is a prominent model for S Cawaii!.

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Angélica Vale

Angélica María Vale Hartman
First Name Angélica
Last Name Vale
Born on November 11, 1975 (age 48)
Born in Mexico

Angélica María Vale Hartman, known professionally as Angélica Vale, is a Mexican-American actress, singer, comedian, and radio personality, known also as the daughter of Angélica María, "La Novia de Mexico", and as the daughter of comedian Raúl Vale. She has been working as an actress for almost 30 years, but achieved fame in 2006 when she became the protagonist of La Fea Más Bella, a Mexican telenovela, with her real-life mother. She starred in the webnovela No me hallo as Luchita Guerra a young woman with a big dream of becoming a singer. Early in 2012, Vale was a team captain on the Mexican TV Show Parodiando, of Televisa network. Vale became a U.S. citizen in 2016, while retaining her Mexican citizenship.

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Angelica Lee

First Name Angelica
Last Name Lee
Born on January 23, 1976 (age 48)
Born in Malaysia

Angelica Lee Sinje is a Malaysian Chinese film actress and pop singer. She started her career in singing and later moved on to acting in Taiwan and Hong Kong and Malaysia. Lee starred in The Eye, the hit Asian horror film by the Pang Brothers, winning her the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress, Best Actress at the Hong Kong Film Festival and a Hong Kong Golden Bauhinia Award. She is among the very few Asian artists to be awarded Best Newcomer Awards at the Berlin Film Festival in 2001 for her role in Betelnut Beauty.

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Angelica Domröse

First Name Angelica
Last Name Domröse
Born on April 4, 1941 (age 83)
Born in Germany

Angelica Domröse is a German actress, who became famous in the role of Paula in Heiner Carow's film The Legend of Paul and Paula. Her Mediterranean appearance is the result of her biological father being a prisoner of war from France.

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Angelica Hale

First Name Angelica
Last Name Hale
Born on July 31, 2007 (age 16)

Angelica Hale is an American singer. She competed in the 12th season of America's Got Talent, and became the runner-up to winner Darci Lynne.

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Angelica Ross

First Name Angelica
Last Name Ross
Born on November 30, 1979 (age 44)
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Angelica Ross (born 1980/1981 is an American businesswoman, actress, and transgender rights advocate. A self-taught computer coder, she went on to become founder and CEO of TransTech Social Enterprises, a firm that helps employ transgender people in the tech industry.

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Angelica Page

First Name Angelica
Last Name Page
Born on February 17, 1964 (age 60)

Angelica Sue Page is an American actress, director, producer and screenwriter. She is the only daughter of actors Rip Torn and Geraldine Page. Credited as Angelica Torn in her early career, she legally and professionally changed her name to Angelica Page in September 2011.

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Angelica Agurbash

Анжаліка Анатольеўна Ялінская
First Name Angelica
Last Name Agurbash
Born on May 17, 1970 (age 54)
Born in Belarus

Angelica Anatolievna Yalinskaya, better known as Angelica Agurbash, is a Belarusian singer and former model best known internationally for representing Belarus at the Eurovision Song Contest 2005.

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Angélica Lozano Correa

First Name Angélica
Last Name Correa
Born on May 8, 1975 (age 49)

Angélica Lozano Correa is a Colombian lawyer, politician and LGBTQ+ rights activist. She is the first openly bisexual legislator in the history of Colombia. While in office, she has advocated for various human rights issues. One example is the push for same-sex partnership rights. Colombia legalized same-sex partnerships in 2011, and since her election to the Chamber of Representatives in 2014 Lozano remains outspoken on increasing the rights for same-sex partners. In 2014, Lozano dealt with controversy surrounding her own relationship with a fellow female Senator.

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Angelica Fuentes

First Name Angelica
Last Name Fuentes
Born in Mexico, Chihuahua

Angélica Fuentes Téllez is a Mexican business executive and was shareholder of Grupo Omnilife-Angelissima-Chivas, a multinational corporation based in Mexico composed of nutrition supplements company Omnilife, beauty and cosmetics brand Angelíssima, and the Mexican soccer team, C.D. Guadalajara, more commonly known as Chivas. She founded Angelíssima in 2010, followed by the Angélica Fuentes Foundation in 2014, dedicated to promoting women's empowerment and achievement of gender equality in Latin America. She has consistently ranked among Forbes Mexico's Most Powerful Women, ranking 5th on the list of Forbes Mexico's Most Powerful Women in 2014. Angélica Fuentes sums up her philosophy on women's empowerment as follows: “Work within yourself, exceed your limits, elevate your goals, and surpass yourself.”

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