List of Famous people named Angel

Name Angel is among the most common names in Mexico, Spain, Argentina. Similar names: Angela, Angelo, Angella, Angele, Angelia, Anghel. Here are some famous Angels:

Ángel Di Maria

Ángel Fabián Di Maria
First Name Ángel
Last Name Maria
Born on February 14, 1988 (age 36)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Ángel Fabián Di María is an Argentine professional footballer who plays for French Ligue 1 club Paris Saint-Germain and the Argentina national team. He can play as either a winger or attacking midfielder.

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Ángel Martín

First Name Ángel
Last Name Martín
Born on October 5, 1977 (age 46)
Born in Spain, Catalonia

Ángel Martín Gómez is a Spanish actor, TV presenter, comedian and screenwriter.

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Angel Gomes

Adilson Angel Abreu de Almeida Gomes
First Name Angel
Last Name Gomes
Born on August 31, 2000 (age 23)
Height 161 cm | 5'3

Adilson Angel Abreu de Almeida Gomes is an English professional footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for Portuguese club Boavista, on loan from French club Lille.

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Ángel Nieto

Ángel Nieto Roldán
First Name Ángel
Last Name Nieto
Born on January 25, 1947
Died on August 3, 2017 (aged 70)

Ángel Nieto Roldán was a Spanish professional Grand Prix motorcycle racer. He was one of the most accomplished motorcycle racers in the history of the sport, winning 13 World Championships and 90 Grand Prix victories in a racing career that spanned twenty-three years from 1964 to 1986. His total of 90 Grand Prix victories ranks him third only to the 122 by Giacomo Agostini, and the 115 for Valentino Rossi. In 2011, Nieto was named an FIM Legend for his motorcycling achievements.

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Jean-Claude Duvalier

First Name Jean-Claude
Born on July 3, 1951
Died on October 4, 2014 (aged 63)
Born in Haiti, Ouest

Jean-Claude Duvalier, nicknamed "Baby Doc", was a Haitian politician who was the President of Haiti from 1971 until he was overthrown by a popular uprising in 1986. He succeeded his father François "Papa Doc" Duvalier as the ruler of Haiti after his death in 1971. After assuming power, he introduced cosmetic changes to his father's regime and delegated much authority to his advisors. Thousands of Haitians were killed or tortured, and hundreds of thousands fled the country during his presidency. He maintained a notoriously lavish lifestyle while poverty among his people remained the most widespread of any country in the Western Hemisphere.

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Ángel Labruna

First Name Ángel
Last Name Labruna
Born on September 28, 1918
Died on September 19, 1983 (aged 64)
Born in Argentina
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Ángel Amadeo Labruna,, was an Argentine football player and coach, who played as a forward. With 295 goals scored in official matches, Labruna is the 2nd all-time top scorer of Primera División after Paraguayan Arsenio Erico. Labruna was also part of the celebrated River Plate offense, nicknamed La Máquina, and he was considered one of the best South-American footballers of his generation.

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Angel Mena

Ángel Israel Mena Delgado
First Name Angel
Last Name Mena
Born on January 21, 1988 (age 36)
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Ángel Israel Mena Delgado is an Ecuadorian professional footballer who currently plays as a winger for Liga MX club León and the Ecuador national team.

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Ángel Gabilondo

Ángel Gabilondo Pujol
First Name Ángel
Last Name Gabilondo
Born on March 1, 1949 (age 75)

Ángel Gabilondo Pujol is a Spanish university professor.

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Ángel Cristo

First Name Ángel
Last Name Cristo
Born on October 17, 1943
Died on May 4, 2010 (aged 66)
Born in Spain, Andalusia

Ángel Papadopoulos Dordi was a Spanish circus performer.

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Ángel Romero

First Name Ángel
Last Name Romero
Born on July 4, 1992 (age 32)
Height 176 cm | 5'9

Ángel Rodrigo Romero Villamayor, more commonly known as Ángel Romero, is a Paraguayan professional footballer who plays as a Winger for San Lorenzo. He is the twin brother of Óscar Romero.

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