List of Famous people named Ally

Similar names: Al, Ali, Allie, Alla, Alia, Aly, Eyal, Alaa, Aloe, Allee, Alley, Alaya, Aliy, Aliya, Yale, Aliye, Alya, Aliaa. Here are some famous Allys:

Ally McCoist

Alistair Murdoch McCoist

Alistair Murdoch McCoist, is a Scottish former footballer who has since worked as a manager and pundit.

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Ally Brooke

First Name Ally
Born on July 7, 1993 (age 31)

Allyson Brooke Hernandez is an American singer. She is a former member of the girl group Fifth Harmony. Brooke began to establish herself in 2017 as a solo artist, featuring on Lost Kings' "Look at Us Now" with rapper ASAP Ferg. She released the single "Perfect" with DJ Topic in January 2018. In March 2018, she sang a medley of songs from Oscar-winning films at the red carpet pre-show of the 90th Academy Awards. Following Fifth Harmony's indefinite hiatus, Brooke signed a record deal with Atlantic. She released "Vámonos", with Kris Kross Amsterdam and Messiah, in November 2018.

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Ally Sheedy

Alexandra Elizabeth Sheedy
First Name Ally
Born on June 13, 1962 (age 62)
Height 165 cm | 5'5

Alexandra Elizabeth Sheedy is an American actress and author. Following her film debut in 1983's Bad Boys, she became known as one of the Brat Pack group of actors in the films The Breakfast Club (1985) and St. Elmo's Fire (1985). She also acted in WarGames (1983) and Short Circuit (1986). For her performance in Lisa Cholodenko's High Art (1998), Sheedy won the Independent Spirit Award for Best Female Lead.

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Ally Maki

Ally Matsumura
First Name Ally
Born on January 1, 1986 (age 38)
Height 150 cm | 4'11

Ally Maki is an American actress. She is best known for starring as Jess Kato in the TBS comedy series Wrecked and the voice of Giggle McDimples in Toy Story 4.

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Ally Walker

First Name Ally
Born on August 25, 1961 (age 62)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Allene Damian "Ally" Walker is an American actress. She made her television debut in the NBC daytime soap opera Santa Barbara (1988) before landing the leading roles on the short-lived dramas True Blue (1989–1990), and Moon Over Miami (1993).

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Ally Tse

First Name Ally
Born on February 12, 1992 (age 32)
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Ally Chiu

First Name Ally
Born on July 4, 1998 (age 26)
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