List of Famous people named Alia

Similar names: Al, Ali, Allie, Alla, Ally, Aly, Eyal, Alaa, Aloe, Allee, Alley, Alaya, Aliy, Aliya, Yale, Aliye, Alya, Aliaa. Here are some famous Alias:

Alia Bhatt

First Name Alia
Last Name Bhatt
Born on March 15, 1993 (age 31)

Alia Bhatt is an actress and singer of Indian origin and British citizenship, who works in Hindi-language films. One of the highest-paid actresses of India, as of 2019, her accolades include four Filmfare Awards. She has appeared in Forbes India's Celebrity 100 list since 2014 and was featured by Forbes Asia in their 30 Under 30 list of 2017.

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Alia Shawkat

First Name Alia
Last Name Shawkat
Born on April 18, 1989 (age 35)
Height 161 cm | 5'3

Alia Martine Shawkat is an American actress and artist. She is known for her roles as Hannah Rayburn in State of Grace, Maeby Fünke in the Fox/Netflix television sitcom Arrested Development, Gertie Michaels in the 2015 horror-comedy film The Final Girls, and Dory Sief in the TBS and HBO Max comedy series Search Party (2016–present). She also guest starred as Frances Cleveland, Virginia Hall, and Alexander Hamilton on Comedy Central's Drunk History.

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Alia al-Hussein

First Name Alia
Last Name Al-Hussein
Born on December 25, 1948
Died on February 9, 1977 (aged 28)

Alia Al-Hussein was Queen of Jordan and the third wife of King Hussein from their marriage in 1972 until her death in a helicopter crash in southern Jordan near Tafilah.

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Hamida al-Attas

First Name Hamida
Born on November 30, 1942 (age 82)

Hamida al-Attas, born A'alia Ghanem, is the mother of Osama bin Laden. She came from a Syrian family of citrus farmers, with two brothers and another sister, living in two small coastal villages, Omraneya and Babryon, outside the port of Latakia. She grew up in a family of Alawites, an offshoot of Shia Islam. At age 22, she married Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden in Latakia in 1956 and moved to Saudi Arabia with her husband. She was the eleventh wife of Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden. Her husband had many wives and he divorced most of them, as having only four wives at once was in accordance with Muslim law. It has been reported that she was a concubine rather than wife of Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden. She was more cosmopolitan than Mohammed's first three Wahhabi Saudi wives.

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Alia Muhammad Baker

First Name Alia
Last Name Baker
Born on November 30, 1951
Died on August 13, 2021 (aged 69)

Alia Muhammad Baker was an Iraqi librarian who was the chief librarian of the Al Basrah Central Library in Basra, Iraq. Baker saved an estimated 30,000 books from destruction during the Iraq War, including a biography of Muhammad from around 1300.

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Alia Janine

First Name Alia
Last Name Janine
Born on November 12, 1978 (age 46)

Alia Janine Dailey-Willis, known professionally as Alia Janine, is an American comedian and actress, and retired pornographic actress.

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Alia Belaid

First Name Alia
Last Name Belaid
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Alia Abu Tayeh

First Name Alia
Last Name Tayeh
Born on January 1, 1953
Died on July 27, 2019 (aged 66)

Dr. Alia Mohammed Odeh Abu Tayeh was a Jordanian politician and educator. She was the first Bedouin to serve on the Jordanian Senate.

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Alia al-Mundhir

First Name Alia
Last Name Al-Mundhir
Born on November 30, 1894
Died on November 30, 1967 (aged 73)
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Alia Seror-O'Neill

First Name Alia
Last Name Seror-O'Neill
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