List of Famous people with last name Saint-pol

Louis de Luxembourg, Count of Saint-Pol

First Name Louis
Last Name Saint-Pol
Born on January 1, 1418
Died on December 19, 1475 (aged 57)

Louis de Luxembourg, Count of Saint-Pol, of Brienne, de Ligny, and Conversano belonged to the Ligny branch of the House of Luxemburg and was Constable of France.

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Margaret of Savoy, Countess of Saint-Pol

First Name Margaret
Last Name Saint-Pol
Born on March 31, 1439
Died on March 9, 1483 (aged 43)
Born in Italy, Piedmont

Margaret of Savoy, also known as Marguerite de Savoie or Margherita di Savoia, was the eldest surviving daughter of Louis I, Duke of Savoy. She was the wife of Margrave John IV of Montferrat, and later the wife of Peter II of Luxembourg, Count of Saint-Pol, of Brienne, Marle, and Soissons.

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Guy IV, Count of Saint-Pol

First Name Guy
Last Name Saint-Pol
Born on January 1, 1254
Died on April 6, 1317 (aged 63)

Guy IV of Châtillon, Count of Saint Pol was a French nobleman. He was the son of Guy III, Count of Saint-Pol and Matilda of Brabant.

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Peter I, Count of Saint-Pol

First Name Peter
Last Name Saint-Pol
Born on November 30, 1389
Died on August 31, 1433 (aged 43)

Peter of Luxembourg was a son of John of Luxembourg, Lord of Beauvoir, and his wife Marguerite of Enghien. His inheritance included the counties of Brienne, Conversano and Saint-Pol.

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Marie of Savoy, Countess of Saint-Pol

First Name Marie
Last Name Saint-Pol
Born on March 20, 1448
Died on November 30, 1474 (aged 26)

Marie of Savoy, Countess of Saint-Pol, de Brienne, de Ligny, and Conversano was the second wife of Louis de Luxembourg, Count of Saint-Pol, Constable of France. She was a younger daughter of Louis, Duke of Savoy and Anne de Lusignan, Princess of Cyprus, one of nineteen children.

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Peter II, Count of Saint-Pol

First Name Peter
Last Name Saint-Pol
Born on November 30, 1439
Died on October 25, 1482 (aged 42)
Born in France, Grand Est

Peter II was Count of Saint-Pol, of Brienne, Marle, and Soissons.

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Francis de Bourbon, Count of Saint-Pol

First Name Francis
Last Name Saint-Pol
Born on October 6, 1491
Died on September 1, 1545 (aged 53)

Francis I de Bourbon, Count of St. Pol, Duke of Estouteville, was a French prince and important military commander during the Italian Wars.

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Guy III, Count of Saint-Pol

First Name Guy
Last Name Saint-Pol
Born on January 1, 1300
Died on February 12, 1289

Guy III of Châtillon, Count of Saint-Pol was a French nobleman, and was a younger son of Hugh I, Count of Blois, and Mary, Countess of Blois.

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John, Count of Saint-Pol

First Name John,
Last Name Saint-Pol
Died on November 30, 1343

John of Saint-Pol was Count of Saint-Pol between 1317 and 1344.

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Guy III of Saint-Pol

First Name Guy
Last Name Saint-Pol
Born on November 30, 1149
Died on August 1, 1226 (aged 76)

Guy IV (c. 1197 – 1226) of the House of Châtillon was the de facto count of Saint-Pol as Guy II from 1219/1223 until his death.

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