List of Famous people with last name Ricketts

Thomas S. Ricketts

First Name Thomas
Last Name Ricketts
Born on May 23, 1963 (age 61)

Thomas Stuart Ricketts is the Chairman of the Chicago Cubs, and the Chairman, co-founder and former CEO of Incapital LLC, a firm that provides securities firms and individual investors more efficient access to corporate bonds. Together with his sister Laura and brothers Pete and Todd, the Ricketts siblings serve as the board of directors for the Cubs. He is the son of TD Ameritrade Holding Corporation founder J. Joseph Ricketts. Joe Ricketts has a net worth of US$2.3 billion as of 2018 according to Forbes.

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Joe Ricketts

First Name Joe
Last Name Ricketts
Born on July 16, 1941 (age 83)

John Joseph Ricketts is an American businessman and philanthropist. He is the founder, former CEO and former chairman of TD Ameritrade. He has a net worth of US$2.7 billion as of 2019 according to Forbes. He has pursued a variety of other entrepreneurial ventures including, High Plains Bison, The Lodge at Jackson Fork, and The American Film Company. Ricketts also engages in philanthropy through The Ricketts Art Foundation, Opportunity Education Foundation, The Cloisters on the Platte Foundation, and The Ricketts Conservation Foundation.

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Sam Ricketts

Samuel Derek Ricketts
First Name Sam
Last Name Ricketts
Born on October 11, 1981 (age 43)
Height 185 cm | 6'1

Samuel Derek Ricketts is a professional football coach and former player. He was most recently serving as the manager of Shrewsbury Town.

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Todd Ricketts

First Name Todd
Last Name Ricketts
Born on September 23, 1969 (age 55)

Todd M. Ricketts is an American businessman and politician who is a co-owner of the Chicago Cubs, a member of the TD Ameritrade board of directors, and the current Republican National Committee Finance Chairman.

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Pete Ricketts

John Peter Ricketts
First Name Pete
Last Name Ricketts
Born on August 19, 1964 (age 60)

John Peter Ricketts is an American politician and businessman serving as the 40th Governor of Nebraska since 2015. He is a member of the Republican Party.

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Laura Ricketts

First Name Laura
Last Name Ricketts
Born on December 15, 1967 (age 57)

Laura Marie Ricketts is an American political activist and former attorney who is co-owner of the Chicago Cubs. Ricketts is also a board member of Lambda Legal and the Housing Opportunities for Women organization. Ricketts' ownership stake in the Cubs is noteworthy because it makes her the first openly gay owner of a major-league sports franchise.

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Chelsea Ricketts

First Name Chelsea
Last Name Ricketts
Born on October 29, 1989 (age 35)
Height 168 cm | 5'6
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Ralph Robert Ricketts

First Name Ralph
Last Name Ricketts
Born on October 12, 1902
Died on January 1, 1961 (aged 58)
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Tyron Ricketts

First Name Tyron
Born on June 29, 1973 (age 51)
Born in Austria, Styria
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Samuel Ricketts

First Name Samuel
Last Name Ricketts
Born on April 2, 1996 (age 28)
Born in Jamaica
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