List of Famous people with last name Precht

Richard David Precht

First Name Richard
Last Name Precht
Born on December 8, 1964 (age 60)

Richard David Precht is a German philosopher and author of successful popular science books about philosophical issues. He hosts the TV show "Precht" on ZDF.

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Cristián Precht

First Name Cristián
Born on September 23, 1940 (age 84)

Cristián Precht Bañados is a Chilean Catholic former priest, known for his work during the military dictatorship in defense of human rights. He was vicar of the Vicariate of Solidarity between 1976 and 1979. In September 2018, he was laicized for his participation in cases of child sexual abuse.

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Albert Precht

First Name Albert
Last Name Precht
Born on July 28, 1947
Died on May 8, 2015 (aged 67)
Born in Austria, Salzburg
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