List of Famous people with last name Neilson

Donald Neilson

First Name Donald
Last Name Neilson
Born on August 1, 1936
Died on December 18, 2011 (aged 75)

Donald Neilson, alias the "Black Panther", was a British armed robber, kidnapper and murderer. He murdered three men during robberies of sub-post offices between 1971 and 1974, and murdered kidnap victim Lesley Whittle, an heiress from Highley, Shropshire, in January 1975. He was apprehended later that year, and sentenced to life imprisonment in July 1976, remaining in prison until his death in 2011.

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David Neilson

First Name David
Last Name Neilson
Born on March 13, 1949 (age 75)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

David Neilson is an English actor best known for portraying Roy Cropper in the British ITV soap opera Coronation Street from 1995 onwards.

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Eric Neilson

First Name Eric
Last Name Neilson
Born on August 18, 1984 (age 39)

Eric Neilson is a former Canadian professional ice hockey player who was known as an enforcer. He last played with the Manchester Storm of the Elite Ice Hockey League (EIHL). Neilson was selected by the Los Angeles Kings in the 5th round of the 2004 NHL Entry Draft.

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Maxwell Frederick Neilson

First Name Maxwell
Last Name Neilson
Born on November 30, 1939 (age 84)
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Victoria Neilson

First Name Victoria
Last Name Neilson
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James Neilson

First Name James
Last Name Neilson
Born on October 1, 1909
Died on December 9, 1979 (aged 70)

James Neilson was an American television director, known for his stage and film direction as well as his work with Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color.

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Robbie Neilson

First Name Robbie
Last Name Neilson
Born on June 19, 1980 (age 44)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Robbie Neilson is a Scottish professional football manager and former player who is currently the head coach of Scottish Championship club Heart of Midlothian.

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Kerr Neilson

First Name Kerr
Last Name Neilson
Born on November 30, 1948 (age 75)

Kerr Neilson is a South African-born Australian billionaire investment manager who, in 1994, co-founded Platinum Asset Management. Neilson's ability to consistently choose high-performing stocks has dubbed him "Australia's Warren Buffett".

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Lois Neilson

First Name Lois
Last Name Neilson
Born on September 7, 1895
Died on July 9, 1990 (aged 94)

Lois Neilson was an American silent movie actress who became actor and comedian Stan Laurel's first wife.

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Frances Elizabeth Neilson

First Name Frances
Last Name Neilson
Died on April 14, 1902
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