List of Famous people with last name Nahon

Philippe Nahon

First Name Philippe
Last Name Nahon
Born on December 24, 1938
Died on April 19, 2020 (aged 81)

Philippe Nahon was a French character actor.

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Pierre Nahon

Pierre Yvan Nahon
First Name Pierre
Last Name Nahon
Born on December 30, 1935
Died on September 9, 2020 (aged 84)

Pierre Nahon was an Algerian-born French art collector and gallery owner.

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Gérard Nahon

Gérard Maurice Georges Nahon
First Name Gérard
Last Name Nahon
Born on January 19, 1931
Died on February 19, 2018 (aged 87)
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Chris Nahon

First Name Chris
Last Name Nahon
Born on December 5, 1968 (age 55)

Chris Nahon is a French film director best known for directing the films Kiss of the Dragon, Empire of the Wolves, and Blood: The Last Vampire.

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Karine Nahon

First Name Karine
Born on December 6, 1972 (age 51)

Karine Nahon is an Israeli information scientist in the area of information, technology and society. She holds a dual position as an associate professor in The Information School at University of Washington and the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. In July 2017, Nahon was named #24 on Forbes' list of 50 Most Influential Women in Israel. Her co-authored book “Going Viral” was awarded Best Information Science Book Award by the Association for Information Science and Technology and the 2014 Outstanding Academic Title Award by the American Library Association.

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Paul Nahon

First Name Paul
Last Name Nahon
Born on June 15, 1947 (age 77)
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Karine Nahon

First Name Karine
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