List of Famous people with last name Leger

Fernand Léger

First Name Fernand
Born on February 4, 1881
Died on August 17, 1955 (aged 74)
Born in France, Normandy

Joseph Fernand Henri Léger was a French painter, sculptor, and filmmaker. In his early works he created a personal form of cubism which he gradually modified into a more figurative, populist style. His boldly simplified treatment of modern subject matter has caused him to be regarded as a forerunner of pop art.

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Viola Léger

First Name Viola
Last Name Léger
Born on June 29, 1930 (age 94)

Viola Léger, is an American-Canadian actress and former Canadian Senator.

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Lucien Léger

Eugène Lucien Léger
First Name Lucien
Born on March 30, 1937
Died on June 30, 2008 (aged 71)

Lucien Léger (1937–2008) was a French criminal.

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John St Leger

First Name John
Last Name Leger
Born on November 30, 1500
Died on January 1, 1596 (aged 95)

Sir John St Leger, of Annery in the parish of Monkleigh, Devon, was an English landowner who served in local and national government.

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Georgiana St. Leger

First Name Georgiana
Died on May 12, 1818
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Richard St. Leger

First Name Richard
Last Name Leger
Born on July 12, 1756
Died on December 30, 1840 (aged 84)
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Nathalie Léger

First Name Nathalie
Born on September 20, 1960 (age 63)

Nathalie Léger is a writer and the Executive Director of the Institute for Contemporary Publishing Archives.

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Edward Frederick St. Leger

First Name Edward
Last Name Leger
Born on July 23, 1832
Died on December 5, 1881 (aged 49)
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Lavinia St. Leger

First Name Lavinia
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Nadia Léger

First Name Nadia
Last Name Léger
Born on October 4, 1904
Died on November 7, 1982 (aged 78)

Nadia Khodasevich (Grabowski) Léger was a French artist. She was the first wife of Polish painter Stanisław Grabowski and the second wife of French artist Fernand Léger. The Russian form of her name can be transliterated as Nadezhda Khodasevich or Khodassevich or Khodasievitch; and from the Polish form, Wanda Chodasiewicz.

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