List of Famous people with last name Kolesnikov

Sergey Kolesnikov

First Name Sergey
Born on January 4, 1955 (age 69)
Born in Russia

Sergei Valentinovich Kolesnikov is a Soviet and Russian film and theater actor, TV presenter, Honored Artist of Russia (1994).

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Kliment Kolesnikov

First Name Kliment
Born on July 9, 2000 (age 24)
Born in Russia
Height 195 cm | 6'5

Kliment Andreyevich Kolesnikov is a Russian swimmer. He holds world junior records in nine events: 50/100/200 back in long course, as well as 100/200 free, 50/100/200 back and 100 IM in short course.

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Sergei Kolesnikov

First Name Sergei
Last Name Kolesnikov
Born on November 30, 1947 (age 76)
Born in Russia

Sergei Vladimirovich Kolesnikov is a Russian businessman who has lived in self imposed exile outside Russia since 2010. He is best known as a whistleblower after his December 2010 letter to Dmitry Medvedev, which exposed a corrupt scheme that included the construction of 'Putin's Palace' and challenged the Russian president to fight corruption. After he left Russia, his revelations of large scale corruption in President Putin's inner circle led to investigations in major Western media.

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Ivan Kolesnikov

First Name Ivan
Last Name Kolesnikov
Born on March 18, 1983 (age 41)
Born in Russia

Ivan Sergeyevich Kolesnikov is a Russian film, television, and stage actor. Nika Award's winner (2016).

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Sergey Kolesnikov

First Name Sergey
Born on February 25, 1972 (age 52)
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Andrey Kolesnikov

First Name Andrey
Last Name Kolesnikov
Born on August 8, 1966 (age 58)
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