List of Famous people named Ivan

Name Ivan is among the most common names in Russia, Mexico. Similar names: Evan, Ivana, Yvan, Ivano, Ivane, Evanna, Eavan, Ivanna, Ivanie, Ivanoe. Here are some famous Ivans:

Ivan Urgant

Иван Андреевич Ургант
First Name Ivan
Last Name Urgant
Born on April 16, 1978 (age 46)
Born in Russia

Ivan Andreevich Urgant (Russian: Ива́н Андре́евич У́ргант; is a Russian television host, presenter, actor, musician and producer. His best known roles in film are Boris in the Yolki series and as Danila in Lucky Trouble. Since 2012 he has hosted Evening Urgant, a late-night talk show. According to the 2008 and 2011 surveys, Urgant is Russia's most popular TV presenter.

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Ivan Toney

Ivan Benjamin Elijah Toney
First Name Ivan
Last Name Toney
Born on March 16, 1996 (age 28)
Height 179 cm | 5'10

Ivan Benjamin Elijah Toney is an English professional footballer who plays as a striker for Championship club Brentford.

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Ivan Perišić

First Name Ivan
Last Name Perišić
Born on February 2, 1989 (age 35)
Height 187 cm | 6'2

Ivan Perišić is a Croatian professional footballer who plays for Serie A club Inter Milan, and the Croatia national team. He usually plays as a winger, but can also be deployed as an attacking midfielder or second striker.

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Ivan Rakitić

First Name Ivan
Last Name Rakitić
Born on March 10, 1988 (age 36)
Born in Switzerland, Aargau
Height 184 cm | 6'0

Ivan Rakitić is a Croatian professional footballer who plays as a central or attacking midfielder for La Liga club Sevilla.

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Iván Redondo

First Name Iván
Last Name Redondo
Born on November 30, 1980 (age 43)

Iván Redondo Bacaicoa is a Spanish political advisor serving as Moncloa Chief of Staff since 2018.

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Ivan the Terrible

First Name Ivan
Last Name Terrible
Born on January 1, 1911 (age 113)

Ivan the Terrible is the nickname given to a notorious guard at the Treblinka extermination camp during the Holocaust, identified as Ivan Marchenko in statements made by other guards. The moniker alluded to Ivan IV, also known as Ivan the Terrible, the infamous Tsar of Russia. "Ivan the Terrible" gained international recognition following the 1986 John Demjanjuk case. By 1944, a cruel guard named "Ivan", sharing his distinct duties and extremely violent behavior with a guard named "Nicholas", was mentioned in survivor literature. John Demjanjuk was first accused of being Ivan the Terrible at the Treblinka concentration camp. He was found guilty of war crimes and was sentenced to death by hanging. This decision was later overruled by the Supreme Court of Israel. In 2011, Demjanjuk was convicted of war crimes for having served at Sobibor extermination camp.

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Ivan Cleary

First Name Ivan
Last Name Cleary
Born on March 1, 1971 (age 53)

Ivan Cleary is an Australian professional rugby league coach who is the head coach of the Penrith Panthers in the NRL and a former professional rugby league footballer who played as a fullback and centre in the 1990s and 2000s.

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Ivan Reitman

First Name Ivan
Last Name Reitman
Died on February 12, 2022 (aged 52)

Ivan Reitman, is a Czechoslovak-Canadian film and television director, producer and screenwriter. He is best known for his comedy work, especially in the 1980s and 1990s. He is the owner of The Montecito Picture Company, founded in 1998.

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Iván Duque

First Name Iván
Last Name Duque
Born on August 1, 1976 (age 47)

Iván Duque Márquez is a Colombian politician and lawyer who has been the president of Colombia since 7 August 2018. He was elected as the candidate from the Democratic Centre Party in the 2018 Colombian presidential election. Backed by his mentor, former president and powerful senator Alvaro Uribe, he was elected despite having been relatively unknown a year before the election. He ran on a platform that included opposing Juan Manuel Santos' peace agreement with the FARC guerilla group.

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Iván Sánchez

First Name Iván
Last Name Sánchez
Born on November 19, 1974 (age 49)

Iván Sánchez is a Spanish actor, model and film producer.

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